Woo, random all-nighters. Well, not that random. I had to finish the novel I was reading, darn it, and now it just seems like a silly hour to go to sleep. So, I can at least check Anansi Boys off my ever expanding "to read" list. I have to say, Neil Gaiman is fast becoming one of my favorite novelists. Case and point, Anansi Boys was a thoroughly addictive and enjoyable book read.
Also, to add in some random news of my life, I went over to Stephen's house for a gaming session, lasting for around 7 hours, until midnight. We played various video games, pool, and Risk (in which Stephen was bitter towards me because our forces more or less self-destructed on each other). And that's pretty much what I did today (er, yesterday), except that I also played computer games at my house since I woke up before going to Stephen's house. I'm an exciting person like that, aren't I?
Edit: I'm suddenly reminded that the reason why I actually wanted to post on LJ was to post my final grades for Fall Semester, the last of which was finally posted yesterday.
Disclaimer: I'm probably pretty irritating when it comes to me discussing my grades. So then,
Physics: B (I don't think I expended any effort in that class, getting by largely on physics knowledge from TJ. Rather sad, since I've currently convinced myself that I'm going to be majoring in physics. Hopefully Honors Physics next semester will challenge me enough so that I bother to regularly attend the lectures.)
Data Structures: B+ (Dropped the ball at the end of the course, I suppose, so B+ for me.)
Linear Algebra: A- (I found the course thoroughly irritating, and I look forward to cold hard calculus again next semester. As for the grade, I'm not sure how I got it. As I said in a previous post, the professor uses a voodoo grading system which not even he fully understands.)
Euro History 1700s to Present: A (My favorite class, simply because it was one that threatened my sense of arrogance by proving to be an actual challenge. Oh, and I guess the professor was cool too. I worked the hardest for this course, and I feel a deep sense of satisfaction over the results.)
GPA: 3.46