A question to start with.... If a person has the capability to become animagi, would it's form be the same as that person's Patronus?
JKRowling's website.
"Members of the Order use their Patronuses to communicate with each other. They are the only wizards who know how to use their spirit guardians in this way and they have been taught to do so by Dumbledore (he invented this method of communication). The Patronus is an immensely effecient messenger for several reasons: it is an anti-Dark Arts device, which makes it hightly resistent to interference from Dark wizards; it is not hindered by physical barriers; each Patronus is unique and distinctive, so that there is never any doubt which Order member has sent it; nobody else can conjure another person's Patronus, so there is no danger of false messages being passed between Order members; nothing conspicuous needs to be carried by the Order member to create a Patronus.
And, as many of you have deduced, Dumbledore's Patronus is indeed a phoenix.".
notes:wizards who know how to use their spirit guardians in this way and they have been taught to do so by Dumbledore (he invented this method of communication).
it is not hindered by physical barriers
And, as many of you have deduced, Dumbledore's Patronus is indeed a phoenix.
Taken from: Fantastic Beasts and Where To Find Them.
Define Phoenix:
"The Phoenix is a magnificant, swan-sized, scarlet bird with a long golden tail, beak and talons. It nests on mountain peaks and is found in Egpyt, India, and China. The phoenix lives to an immense age as it can regenerate, bursting into flames when it's body begins to fail and rising again from the ashes as a chick. The phoenix is a gentle creature that has never been known to kill and eats only herbs. Like the Diricawl (see page 9), can dissappear and reappear at will. Phoenix song is magical; it is reputed to increase the courage of the pure of heart and to strike fear into the hearts of the impure. Phoenix tears have powerful healing porperties." .
Think about this for a minute. Who does this sound like? An almost perfect description of someone we all know. Lets break it down a bit....
~ "scarlet bird with a long golden tail, beak and talons"
Who has a long crooked nose (COS pge 80 )and long thin fingers ( cos 208, GOF 175) and when he was younger had long auburn (or red) hair and a beard long enough he could easily tuck it into his belt?
~ "nests on mountain peaks"
Who has his home not only in the mountains but at the top of a tower?
~ "lives to an immense age"
Who lived to be quite a bit older than almost everyone else in the books?
~ "bursting into flames when it's body begins to fail and rising again from the ashes"
Dumbledore told Fawkes to get on with it because he was looking a bit dreadful for days. Dumbledore was looking quite a bit more worn out than he ever had been, not to mention his hand looking like it had been burned... almost dead. Remember Dumbledore said that he almost did not make it when he tried to distroy the ring Horcrux? Was he beginning to die, or beginning to burn then? (567) note rowling finally said it... Dumbledore's "burnt fingers towards the potion"
Something else to note, is the funeral's description... (see below for quote.)
~ " is a gentle creature that has never been known to kill"
How many times has Dumbledore ever raised his voice?.... He always has been very gentle.... I noticed this even moreso when I reread the books this last time around... It was almost like Rowling was going out of her way to show how gentle and calm he really is.
I have not finished my research to see if Dumbledore ever has been said to have "killed" anyone... but I do know from reading POA that he does not like the Dementor's. Fudge uses them as a way to carry out a death sentence. Goes to show Dumbledore does not like the death penalty. Dumbledore even tells Harry that the prophecy does not mean Harry will have to kill Voldemort. Harry can still walk away if he wants to. Then both Harry and Voldemort may get to live.
~ "eats only herbs"
I never really recall enough foods listed that we see Dumbledore eat. Is he a vegetarian? We know his love of sweets.
~"Phoenix song is magical; it is reputed to increase the courage of the pure of heart and to strike fear into the hearts of the impure"
Harry has often gained an increase of courage when he thinks of Dumbledore or hears his voice. Then there is Dumbledore who points out to us that Harry is "pure of heart."
Then lastly, Dumbledore certainly does strike fear into the hearts of the impure. Example, the Death Eaters, Mundungus and always Voldemort himself.
Now lets take this theory a bit further and see, what I believe happened, or will happen, in the story.
Some people who are animagi also resemble the creature they turn into. I pointed almost everything above that could be proof that Dumbledore's animagus form has to be a phoenix.
Hermione looked up Professor McGonagall on the registery (book 3 pg 351) and found her listed and what her form is... the tabby cat. Hermione said that there were only 7 people registered as Animagus for that century. Why did she not go back any further to see if Dumbledore was listed? (Lexicon has Dumbledore as being born 1840) After all, he was also, a former Transfigurations instructor at Hogwarts. It's extremely difficult to become an animagus and it's also rare to find one... or so we were told. There are too many unregistered ones around to be sure that this statement is true. Then think about how powerful and strong Dumbledore's magic is. It's hard to believe that he is not an animagus.
Look at Fawkes in COS. After he burst into flames in front of Harry it was in the middle of the school year. By the end of the year he had already grown to an adult. The Lexicon states that, "In a matter of days it becomes a fully grown, beautiful phoenix." I don't know where they got that information. I would remember it if it was stated in the books, but if it's true... Hmm? If Dumbledore has the ability, like his animagus form, could he regenerate too and at this rate?
You don't need a wand to transform. Dumbledore could have transformed after he went over the tower wall and flew down to the bottom of the tower. The found him "spread-eagled" on the ground beneath the tower. Remember he was weak and could not stand any longer even before he left the top of the tower... maybe his legs was not strong enough when I believe he flew down to land. Thus Dumbledore might have been unconscience not dead. Well, say he did die, can he go so far as to regenerate?
HAGRID THEORY the timeline does not click with me. *(page numbers from HBP)
"... he (Harry) saw a flash of light in the distance that momentarily silhouetted his quarry. He did not know what it was but continued to run, not yet near enough to get a good aim with a curse-- Another flash of light, shouts, retaliatory jets of light, and Harry understood: Hagrid had emerged from his cabin and was trying to stop the Death Eaters escaping....".
I have a problem with this. (605) Only Draco and Snape ran past his cabin at this time. They were far ahead of the blonde DE that was following them. He was not wearing a mask and none of these three were firing any spells since they were far away from anyone who they could fight. What made Hagrid think that there were any Death Eaters in the school? Snape and Draco are people there at Hogwarts and would not be out of place there. Another thing. Was it really Hagrid who was firing the shots from the cabin or possibly Dumbledore himself? Of course Dumbledore knew they were there and would be trying to leave soon. Remember Hagird still has not seen the Dark Mark, or so he said.
*(602) now (DE#5 the blonde guy) Incendio (fire curse) to Hagrids cabin... He went to save Fang..... but took too long to get to him... I believe that he was taking Dumbledore into the forest first, then went back to save Fang. (604, Fang is still howling in the hut)
Now lets look at what all had happened while Hagrid was supposedly trying to save Fang. LOTS! Snape and Harry had their match. They spent a lot of time shooting and deflecting spells. Snape was still giving Harry pointers. Then Harry finally made Snape mad and was about to be punished until suddenly Buckbeak showed up. Not to mention the other DE that was trying to curse Harry before Snape stopped them and sent them to join Draco. All of this time Fang is howling in the firey hut. What was taking Hagrid so long to get to Fang if that was what he was really doing?
*(605) Finally, Hagrid saved Fang. Harry said we should use the aguamenti spell to put out the fire... Hagrid said never thought of it? acted like he could not remember that spell. It also seemed to me that he was not that concerned with his house going up in flames... well his excuse was Dumbledore can fix it. I think he was humoring Harry for Dumbledore's benefit.
*(608) states it was half an hour that had passed since Harry and Dumbledore got back... so the time it took to fly from Hogsmeade then the time talking to Rosey, then 10 minutes before their return.... adds up to about 45 to 50 minutes the Dark Mark has been in the sky... and Hagrid says he didn't see it until right now?.
I believe it's possible, that Hagrid saw the Dark Mark, then saw Dumbledore fall from the tower. He went to save him then noticed that he was injured badly. He then escorted Dumbledore back to his cabin on Dumbledore's orders.
All the time spent when the fight was taking place, Hagrid did not notice anything above the tower? Rowling mentioned, many times, about the bright glow of the green light from the mark in the sky. In OOTP, the kids watched, with a clear view, from the top of the astronomy tower, the fight at Hagrid's hut. The one where Umbridge was trying to fire Hagrid and McGonagall was injured trying to protect Hagrid. Hagrid saw the Dark Mark I have no doubt about it. If you could see it all the way to Hogsmeade, you know he could see it too. Hagrid said he was mending Bowtruckles... yeah right. Maybe before all of this, but not during.
All of the time spent when Hagrid was suppossed to be saving Fang from his burning hut. I think about Wendelin the Weird:
"Illeged to have enjoyed being burnt at the stake so much that she allowed herself to be captured over 47 times in various disguises." All Hagrid needed to do is go into his hut and perform a basic Flame Freezing charm to protect Dumbledore, that is only if Dumbledore was not well enough and able to do it himself. I think that Hagird had to have been taking Dumbledore to some place safer as to not be found alive in his cabin. *Shrugs* possibly the forest? Possible to his brother Aberforth's? How did Buckbeak get free from where he was unless Hagrid set him free? So we know that Hagrid had to have been somewhere out near the forest during this time he was suppossed to be trying to get Fang out.
Snape's curse was not as it seemed. The Avada Kedavera curse looks almost completely different. I will address this topic more in another article soon.
Wizards bounce.. Neville bounced more than once and lived... think how his uncle Algie accidentally dropped him from a second story window trying to scare the magic out of him... then in book one, think about his fall when Draco and Harry went head to head during their first flying lesson. Neville only had a broken wrist. Why is it so hard to think that Dumbledore might have only just bounced when he landed?
If Hagrid was taking care of Albus, you may ask why then was Dumbledore's body still found at the bottom of the tower? Back before Book 6 came out, a friend of mine from ARF, and I tossed around theories about Aberforth Dumbledore. I think it was she that said it's possible that Albus and Aberforth may be twins. She even brought to note that the word 'brother' is in the name Aberforth. They look so similar in appearance. I'm sure a little magic abilities could make them look identical for a short time. Think Tonks.
"a planned death"... Then there is something that I have noticed that Rowling said in one of her interviews...
"JKR: Well, there you go. See, I'm aware that “Half-Blood Prince” will not delight everyone, because it does shoot down some theories. I mean, if it didn't, I haven't done my job right. A few people won't particularly like it, and a lot of people aren't going to like the death very much, but that was always what was planned to come.
JKR: Yeah, well, I think if you take a step back, in the genre of writing that I'm working in, almost always the hero must go on alone. That's the way it is, we all know that, so the question is when and how, isn't it, if you know anything about the construction of that kind of plot.
ES: The wise old wizard with the beard always dies.
JKR: Well, that's basically what I'm saying, yes."
Could this mean more than what we think? We are thinking that she planned to kill Dumbledore. Could it be just that? Dumbledore's death is "planned"... maybe by himself. Many people believe that Dumbledore is faking his own death for three reasons. .
~ One, so that Harry can go it alone as the story should go. Dumbledore mentions that, "no spell can reawaken the dead." (GOF pg 697 said to Harry and Sirius) Dumbledore needs for Harry to let go of those who pass and not to look for a way to bring them back so that he will stand and face Voldemort or any evil, with strength and courage of his own.
~ Two, also for Dumbledore to be free to hunt or destroy any Horcruxes that is left. Free, that is, from the ministry's watchful eyes. I am inclined to believe this is a real possibility. So as far as I can see it, even if Dumbledore does have the ability to be reborn, I don't think he'll step forward until the end, after Harry has accomplished his goal, to defeat Voldemort. This also means that if he does find anything, he'll have to be clever to not tip off Harry that he was the one to destroy this whatever Horcrux. Well, Dumbledore is clever, so that will not be hard to accomplish.
~ The third reason is simple. Dumbledore knew that in the event of his death that many people might take up their own courage and band together to be strong as Dumbledore has suggested to them all. It's a must in order to defeat evil.
"The phoenix lives to an immense age as it can regenerate, bursting into flames when it's body begins to fail and rising again from the ashes as a chick"
~ Dumbledore is not afraid of death .. says that it is the unknown that Voldemort fears and that is why Voldemort fears death. Could this mean that Dumbledore does not fear death because he's been there before... possibly long ago? Oooo too much of a stretch.
~ Still, there is the funeral's discription....... (HBP 645)
" Several people screamed. Bright white flames erupted around Dumbledore's body and the table upon which it lay: Higher and higher they rose, obscurring the body. White smoke spiraled into the air and made strange shapes: Harry thought for one heartstopping moment, that he saw a phoenix fly joyfully into the blue, but then the next second the fire had vanished. In it's place was a white marble tomb, encasing Dumbledore's body and the table in which he had rested. ".
OK what just happened here? Where did the flames come from? Was Dumbledore really rising from his own body? JKR has certain patterns she uses and there is one right here. She drops a clue then quickly makes you look the other way. Notice how she mentions what Harry thinks he sees then quickly changes the focus to the fact that the fire had vanished.... could Harry really have had enough time to think about the meaning of what he saw, if JKR had not changed the focus on him?
In chapter 22, "After the Burial," we learn a lot from the " slow sad song about a dying wizard called Odo," that Hagrid and Slughorn sing. (487-488)
And Odo the hero, they bore him back home
To the place he'd known as a lad,
They laid him to rest with his hat inside out
And his wand snapped in two, which was sad. .
Why are these two funerals so different? I know, we IRL have different ways of tending to our dead, but for this story's purpose, could Rowling be telling us to look at these two types of funerals to see the differences? Dumbledore's wand was never mentioned at the funeral. He was all wrapped up where you could not see him. A fire was mentioned at Dumbledore's funeral, but not this only other reference to a wizard funeral. Hmm?
Now from a slightly different angle... Firstly, we do not hear nor see Fawkes for some time. The phoenix laments... chapter 29.... Did we mistakenly think this phoenix singing was Fawkes? It would only be natural for Harry to think this but only because Fawkes is the only phoenix that he would think would be around the school. Several times Rowling referred to the bird singing as "the phoenix" but did not always call the birds name Fawkes. Then remember this story is from Harry's point of view. Something else that I can't help but think of is the name of book 5. Not "Order of the Dumbledore", but phoenix. Why phoenix? It doesn't make total sense. If Harry was to make an order of his own he would not call it "Order of the Hedwig" or "Order of the Stag?" I know we are to take it as phoenix as "rebirth," or that is how I took it at first. But now I believe it's possible that THIS phoenix was Dumbledore and his song was to help those mourning his supposed death.
In conclusion, I at first believed Dumbledore to be dead. I'm up in the air now. If Dumbledore did die, only time will tell if he will come back. Then if he does, what will he be like? Again, if Dumbledore has the ability to regenerate, I believe it took place before the body was found at the bottom of the tower. The funeral had to be something as a public statement to show that the body can't be exumed and then examined? The fire was hot, still clues were there for Harry to see. But there are also clues that support that Dumbledore may not have died at all. *shrugs* You make up your own mind. There is a lot here to think about for a while. I could add more but 'll save that for another day and other Quibbler articles.
"Phoenix song is magical; it is reputed to increase the courage of the pure of heart and to strike fear into the hearts of the impure. Phoenix tears have powerful healing properties."
I had an even more, hard to swallow theory, that Snape might have been a phoenix too. This could be the reason that Dumbledore trusted him... but I can't really see that as the reason, it's not enough for me. I was thinking 'kindred spirits.' My main idea of this came from when Snape was healing Draco's wounds. Harry said that the incantation sounded much like song. Then later when Dumbledore cut his own arm (blood sacrifice for the cave wall) the book states that he healed it the same way that Snape healed Draco's wounds in the bathroom. This time, it just didn't go into the same description in words, I had to go back and look again. Still, it does not fit the defination of phoenix song effects listed in Fantastic Beasts book above. It has a different effect all together. Though, Snape was trying to help Draco feel much better, maybe to give him courage to survive?. Na this is too much of a stretch. *shakes head. Tears off this ending, crumples and throws this bit of parchment in the trash* Remembering that Rowling said that it's Snape's Boggart and Patronus that may give away something important not anything about animagus.