git out of mah hed
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I woke up from the dream Sunday morning.
I was sitting in the waiting room at my cute married Jewish Daddy doctor's office, and I was surly for some reason - probably because I didn't have my laptop with me (free Wi-fi!).
There were too many pharm sales reps, and they were all sitting in the last row of chairs along the south wall of the waiting room, looking very prim with their sample cases.
I swear I don't know what possessed me, but I got up and physically confronted one of them because I wanted them all to get the fuck out of the clinic before they could talk to any doctors. When none of them would leave, I STARTED KICKING ASS.
I physically beat them all out of the building because they were not going to be in the same zip code while I was in that office. It's one of the only dreams I've had lately that I can vividly recall later in the day.
And then sixteen hours later, John Oliver did that piece on his show.
I need a drink. The cute married Jewish Daddy doctor can read me the riot act about my liver, kidneys, and glucose levels another time. This shit is just too weird.