So today in my post-therapy goof-off time, I got really self-indulgent and went by Blackerby to play around with my first Steinberg cello.
It’s a pretty awesome machine, particularly once I get the tripod jacked up enough to where I can play it standing up; none of my acoustic instruments have ever had end pins long enough for that. The construction is awe-inspiring to me as well, and the ways in which so many parts of the instrument can be physically adjusted excites the hell out of me, given my recent physical limitations.
The only thing it doesn’t have that I could want is a MIDI pickup so I could computerize things.
I don’t know why I’m thinking along these lines at all, though. I don’t have $3500 to drop on a new instrument, I don’t play the acoustic instrument I own already enough, I don’t have gigs that would require me to have an electric instrument, and I’m not writing much for performance.
But a bitch can always shop, right?