Sep 23, 2013 09:53
Between a 6 week break in Exalted and the last month or so being hellish at work, my LJing has got a little quiet of late. This was partially by design as I timed most of my RPGing to wrap up in July culminating in Tenra Bansho Zero at Confusion. Now I am through that period, I am slowly beginning to heat things back up again.
This starts with my first run of Edge of the Empire on Saturday. I see a lot of potential in this line of Star Wars RPGs and I am impressed by the material I have seen so far. But I am not sure if my enthusiasm will be shared by others, so I have resisted making much noise about it. The scenario I plan to run is also quite straightforward, so it may not shine as brightly as it could. However, I hope that it will provide a solid base from which I can highlight a few aspects of FFG's approach and also create a somewhat sandbox experience.
Like with Tenra Bansho Zero, I am experimenting with less restrictive convention games. I plan on using Edge of the Empire's Obligation mechanic to provide a variable in my story map for the scenario, ensuring that each run is different and also helps tailor it to certain player choices. Though not a full "story game mechanic", I think Obligation makes for an interesting way of bringing the PCs together and managing each PC's subplots, and also is an instantly recognisable "Star Wars" device for scoundrel characters.
Outside of Edge of the Empire, my only other gaming plan is to begin prepping for Adventure Squad more. I am hoping to run Lone Wolf for Ayla in the next month or so as along with some variant of Star Wars. I have also had some inspiration strike regarding season 3 of Alchemicals after watching Legend of Korra, and I should really look at plotting that out some more if I run that after Kapcon next year. Finally, indications are that the Kickstarter for Ryuutama may land next month, and that is likely something I will jump on with glee.
star wars,
lone wolf,