Nov 29, 2011 08:46
We had the penultimate session of Thousand Thrones last night and out last weeknight session. It was session #32 IIRC. We started on 24 May 2010, which is almost exactly 18 months ago. That means we have only missed aroung 6 fortnightly sessions the whole game. I think that reliability really helped.
The next three sessions are being condensed into one session on 10 December which will bring the campaign to a close. It looks set to be a completely mad, icky and satisfying finale. I will post thoughts on it after that session, including a short list of changes I made to it in case anyone else ventures down the same path.
For now, to sound like a broken record, I will say that the game continues to be an absolute pleasure to run for very little effort. We were all in tears last night, thanks to a mound of 20ft poo and the fact that "Ham loves Gravy" :)