Because of the security problems at airports recently one of the passengers held up,a Pakistani lawyer, objected to the profiling of people they searched.He said by picking out Muslims they were saying all Muslims were terrorists.They were not.They were saying in the, current situation, all terrorists are Muslim.It reminded me of a case a couple of years back when on radio messages the suspect was described as an asian youth wearing a blue jacket. When the police stopped someone answering the description he said they were being racist as they had not stopped any white people completely disregarding the fact he had commited the crime.
At a recent meeting between "moderate" Muslim leaders and the government various Muslim groups demanded Britain adopt Sharia {Muslim} law as a way to stop Muslim youth wanting to bomb us. It was also said all Muslim festivals should become bank holidays.This is 8 months after we were told to abolish Christmas as it offended Muslims resulting in a number of councils etc baning the word Christmas, any mention of the birth of Jesus and poor old Santa. in a recent survey one third of Muslims in Britain want Britain to become an Islamic state.The declared aim of most Islamic Terrorist groups is the establishment of an Islamic state in the west,and because of our crazy immigration laws ,the stupid benefit system and the inefficiency of various government departments Britain is seen as the easy target.So allthought they may not support terrorist groups a large number of Muslims support their aims.The solution to the current problems is therefor simple, hand the country over to them and they won't kill innocent people.Once again I will repeat what I have said before, a war against our way of live has been declared and unless we regonise that fact soon it is a war we will lose