This past week or so there have been quite a few of us that have been discovering that our fanfiction works have been plagiarized or posted without permission on several sites. Several fandom friends and I have talked off and on about how we feel that the general disarray for fictions in our relatively young fandom is partially behind this, since it's common for authors to post their works at various sites to increase readership.
Unfortunately, this also leads to disorganization and a fractured fandom. Some have stated that they'd love for more organization in this fandom, so I'm proposing what many have said they want: a central site for fanfiction that was specific to the Grey's Anatomy fandom that would grow to be a cornerstone of the fandom (similar to
The Gossamer Project in the X-Files fandom) it would be possible for both authors and readers to access a single site for stories.
As much as I'd love for something like this to happen, I realize it's a very ambitious undertaking-- certainly one that I don't have any idea on how to go about on my own. However, I do think it's important that we put out our feelers, if you will, to see how those in the fandom generally feels about something like this. To the best of my knowledge, no Grey's poll about this has been conducted.
To get a good sample, I'm asking that you shamelessly pimp out this poll to all of your Grey's friends that are involved with fanfiction. Post the link in GA communities or in your LJ. Send the link to your friends or on forums you chat on and encourage participation. Once there's a good amount of feedback, we can know where to go (if anywhere) from here. Comment with your thoughts, because I'm seriously curious to know if this is something that would be possible.
Grey's Anatomy Fanfiction Poll:
Poll Grey's Anatomy Fanfiction Poll Any other thoughts? Want to tell me how you found this just so I know? Please comment.
Update 8/30: see greys_archive