Neverland Books (open to any)

Jun 20, 2006 20:59

'Oh thank you,' she said softly as she knelt before Tammy, 'It is a beautiful picture and I promise I will put it up on the wall with all the others.' Tink's collection of drawings seemed to grow with each day and the one bright, but empty walls, of the children's reading area upstairs in the store were now almost filled with all kinds of drawings. Some of Tink, some of their favorite stories, some of anything they wanted and she treasure each and every drawing.

'I will see you soon,' she stood and glanced up at the child's mother.

'Thank you, she seems to spend more time wanting to read than sitting and watching television. She has told all her friends about you. I just wanted to say thanks.'

'It's my pleasure. I love books and if I can help one person love them as much as I do then I will be happy.' She waved them goodbye and headed over to the main counter to grab some blue-tac. 'Looks like I am going to run out of wall soon,' she said softly to the girl behind the counter, 'I am going to have to start putting them in a scrap book.'

She slowly made her way through the shop towards the back stairs that lead to the upstairs area devoted completely to children and their books. Maybe she would have to run a competition for the children instead.

joan, serenity, neverland books, tink

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