James Wilson, at the clinic

Jun 21, 2006 02:59

James arrived at the clinic a little after 10AM after his night with Sophie, finding it locked and dark. He let himself in, turned on the lights and went straight through to the kitchenette to warm up a fresh pot of coffee.

He hadn't really slept too decently, all things considered. And he had entertained the thought of going up to Neil's room in the middle of the night, but decided against it every time he was about to get out of the bed, simply because he didn't want to have to explain himself if Sophie woke up.

He was dressed in clothes he'd worn the day before, had bristly shadow appearing on his face because there'd been no shavers at the hotel, thus he couldn't shave, and he felt all round uptight. Mainly because he was back in the clinic, and being in the clinic meant having to face Greg.

He poured himself some coffee and headed out of the kitchenette to his office, stifling a yawn. He'd catch up on some paperwork while he waited for any patients to turn up.

OOC: Open to anyone, particularly Greg.

clinic, greg, james wilson

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