Just watched Hidalgo. I want to like that movie, but I can't quite get there. It falls to a miserable script that was clearly drafted in crayon; heavier handed that Kostner. Did like the set pieces, especially the well done if blatant rip offs of Raiders. Perhaps some transistions, and less attack cats.
Allison saw ST:IV for the first time tonight. We laughed ourselves silly. It's a much better movie when you watch it with someone with no sizable prior ST experience. And, now that I live in san francisco, it is that much more humorous to watch them meander about town. Plus, when
thucyditron comes to visit, I can say neat things like, "and this is where they parked the bird of prey."
My favorite line has aways been "Hello computer." But now, I have a newfound respect for the shatner speech on Nimoy's involvement in the Berkeley free speech movement. "I think he took too much LDS." ah, shatner, you so funny.
So, for those of you with insomnia and TV sets, I'm sure you are familiar with GGW, and Ronco, and the guy with the question mark jacket, and the sleazy housewives named doris who you can call for 3.95 a minute to talk about special topics like politics and socrates and what clothes they may or may not be wearing. San francisco has added something to the pot: the Interactive Male. while I assume you young ladies can call him, the commercial is most certainly directed at homosexual males looking for a great 4.95/min experience. For entertainment purposes only, of course.
that is all.