I propose that the scheduling idiots at the BBC should be hung up by their thumbs in something unpleasant until they realise how much they're cheesing off the viewing public.
Viz: Starting a new series on a Sunday night - and then immediately moving it to a following weekday. Usually an unmemorable one like a Tuesday or Wednesday. Thus causing me to miss part two and subsequently the thread. Result: loss of one viewer.
Viz the second: Having moved such a series to unmemorable day, say a Thursday, then canceling an episode in order to show a 'Panorama Special' about a criminal case that's already been extensively covered in the media, the news earlier in the evening, and again on the news later in the evening.
Viz the third: Having done this stupid thing, being unable to get the BBC website to signal this schedule change on its home page channel schedule wotsit, or agree on whether, or when, it's happening at all in two places on said web site. Thus causing me to record half an hour of these tabloid journalism rubbish.
Viz the fourth: Not rescheduling the cancelled episode at all, but happily informing the viewer that they can watch the Sunday evening omnibus (hidden amongst the God-bothering section of the schedule and easily overlooked). Well no, actually, I don't want to sit through the first half that I've already seen on Wednesday, thanks awfully.
End of rant.