Random HSM fanfic - Epilogue

Dec 30, 2008 02:14

- Epilogue -

It took another month for the book to make it onto the shelves.  It was a surprising success.  Seems people liked reading about someone rich and famous who was miserable.  It was a big money-maker.  Almost immediately after it hit the shelf, calls started coming in.  Kelsi was the first one to leave a message.  Ryan got it the Friday after the book came out.

“God Ry, you can be so stupid sometimes.”  Her voice sounded tearful.  “I can’t believe you didn’t even call me to let me know you were back in the city.  I had to read about it in the Herald, Ryan, the Herald.  You better be coming over for dinner this Sunday and bring a very big present for R.J….something shiny for me too - from Tiffany’s.   We missed you so much, you moron, and we will have words about how I had to get your new number from your agent.” She was using her threatening voice.  “See you soon… Great book by the way, R.J. loves it.” *beep*

Ryan went immediately to Tiffany’s and bought a diamond encrusted pendant shaped like a G-clef.          He had never gotten her one before.  At the time, he always thought it would be better to save this for a time he screwed up especially bad.  This fit the bill.  As for R.J… Well, every little boy wants a horse, right?

The next message came on Saturday.  This one was from Chad.

“Dude, you should have told me you were back in New York.  How long have you been back?  Man, Kelsi is pissed at you; hope you’re planning on buying her something pretty.  So yeah, give me a call and we’ll do coffee or something.  I’ll even try to coordinate my outfit just for you….It’ll be fabulous.” He drawled the ending jokingly and Ryan couldn’t fight the smile that crept onto his lips.

Notable in her absence, the one person who didn’t call was Sharpay.  Ryan didn’t hear anything from that part of the country for nearly two months.  Then a birthday invitation showed up in the mail.  It was colourful and cartoony, with little animals eating cake and the like.  Seems little Gracia Bolton was turning five, and Ryan was cordially invited.

Ryan took the Evans’ private jet to the party (it seemed oddly appropriate) and brought R.J. along to meet his cousins.  Ryan will likely never admit he just wanted someone there to hold his hand while he faced his twin sister for the first time in over a decade.

They passed through countless security checks before being led to a small garden party.  Chad was in attendance, rushing around the yard with a swarm of kids trying to tackle him to the ground.

As soon as Chad saw Ryan, he quickly ended the game and walked briskly to exchange words with Troy.  He didn’t even take the time to flash a smile in Ryan’s direction.

Sharpay was as beautiful as ever, her hair glowing in the sunlight.  She was watching the children play while conversing quietly with the three year old in her arms.  She looked so peaceful in that moment; Ryan paused to imprint this image of his sister into his memory.  The void seemed more pronounced than ever.

Troy nodded in Ryan’s direction.  Then he walked over to Sharpay, laid a hand on her shoulder, and whispered in her ear.

Sharpay looked a Troy in confusion for a moment, then her head snapped around to look at Ryan and her jaw dropped open.  She was so stunned that the toddler slid out of her arms and onto the ground.

Troy grinned at her reaction and mouthed something that looked like ‘surprise’.

Sharpay took off at a run straight towards Ryan and threw herself in his arms.  They spun round and round, laughing and crying all at once.  They were perfectly in time.

Ryan finally put his sister down and let her go.  “Shar, I want you to meet my son, R.J.”

She leaned down to R.J.’s level and held out her hand.  Tears still drenched her face.  “Hi R.J., I’m your Aunt Sharpay.  Want to come meet your cousins?”

He grinned and nodded.

In a move that was purely Sharpay, she grabbed Ryan with one hand and R.J. with the other, dragging them both towards the party.  Her voice shrill, she yelled.  “Kids!  Come meet your Uncle Ryan!”

Ryan smiled, it was music to his ears.


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