My usual friday blues are here. I really hate fridays at least up until quiting time. I tried to set up a to-do list today and it crashed about my ears when my boss came to me and handed off a bunch of his reports that I had to get done "right away!" This type of stuff plus the fact that he will leave by 2 pm after having only gotten here at 11am, really burns my bacon. I find that I want to do anything but work when he does this stuff. I finished his damn reports a few minutes ago but I'll take this time to write up a blog post to vent my anger and frustration. I just need to hide the fact that I can do my bosses job faster than he thinks I can, and use the extra time to write or blog or do research for my writing. Speaking of which,
sailormur set out a link to a comic which is exactly how I have been feeling for a bit now.