We decided we would get the movie Deep Impact but we, uh, got the wrong movie. As in, porn. We got porn. On accident. FOR ONCE IT WASN'T MY FAULT. Thanks, Ange. <3
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There have been SO MANY spiders lately. At least four the past couple of days not counting today and three today. I go into the kitchen and surprise! Tiny spider. I take care of the little bastard and turn around AND THERE'S AN EVEN BIGGER SPIDER ON THE FLOOR JUST MOSEYING ACROSS LIKE IT OWNS THE PLACE. Got rid of that one
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T H E T H A N K S G I V I N G M E M EPosting a meme before I head to work. When I get back (this is assuming I survive because I've heard awful things happened while I was gone), I'll post about my awesome adventures in Portland which trump meme, but I feel I need to fill space. Or something. I haven't posted in days, I think that's why
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