Daytona Beach Spring Break 2004

Mar 14, 2004 16:27

Today, Kevin and I spent the afternoon
in Daytona Beach. It was a beautiful day
and warm. I soaked my feet in the Atlantic
Ocean, which was cold, but not unbeatably
so. Leaving the area, I was struck by a
melancholy that can only be described as
me being wistful about my age. I had
always wanted to go down for Spring Break
while I was in college, but either finances
or some other circumstance would prevent
it for me. Seeing all these young people
having a good time and no worries like
someone my age has. Sometimes, just sometimes, I feel regret and have the
feeling that I missed a lot. Of course,
there's nothing about that--once the
moment's gone, it's gone. I tell young
people now that they have a chance to
do something exciting, to go for it because
they may regret not doing so later.
I may not be able to fully party like I
could have over 20 years, but I could try.
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