Flaming Youth

Mar 26, 2004 12:35

My wife and I have decided that Tyler is going to go to camp this summer, somewhere. It hasn't been settled where he will go, but go he will. We don't want him to laze about all summer thumbing his Playstation's controls and propping up his phone on his shoulder.
When I suggested to him that he go up north to a camp that will have him take canoeing trips (The sort of which I've been very fond of in remembering my days at camp), he most definitely didn't want to do that. "Send me to a chess camp, if you're going to send me somewhere". I looked up chess camps and found one that's only 50 miles from Milwaukee. So, most likely, he'll be going there instead of the wilds of Northern Wisconsin, although I'd prefer he did that. I even looked up programs for him with Outward Bound. I seriously think he'd benefit from such programs. Maybe we'll send him to two different camps or postpone the wilderness aspect to next year.
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