(no subject)

May 30, 2002 03:50

Today has been slow and lazy, as it usually is the day after I indulge in the poison we all know as alcohol. I woke up about 10pm[1] and dragged around a bit online, reading email and what not. I checked my downloads from the day, but apparently I'd already gotten all of the good stuff I was wanting - videos and songs mostly - and all the rest was porn. Evidently I was in a randy mood this morning before I went to bed.

I watched Evolution on PBS, a two parter. The first half was "The Mind's Big Bang," discussing the search for the point in our evolution when we learned how to really think in a creative way, and as a result were able to survive where Neanderthal couldn't. What I didn't realize was that there is no evidence that Neanderthal did such things as paint, create objects of art, or wear decorations or jewelery. This lead to a discussion of language, its birth, and its place in society. Language allowed Cro-Magnon to evolve socially by communicating with neighbors, passing on information to children, etc. Neanderthal didn't do this. They lived in isolated groups and kept to themselves. They had no concept of "those people who live in the next valley are our neighbors and are just like us." Language also allowed Cro-Magnons to teach their children how to make tools and weapons, and most importantly, to keep passing that same information down through the generations. Neanderthals were similar to chimpanzees and other primates in this sense. They didn't pass along information and really learn from each other. They immitated one another. As a result of this and their isolationism they, as a species, reinvented the same tools over the course of their million some odd year existance, never making much progress, where Cro-Magnon were able to keep going forward.

The second half of the show was "What About God?" and was a piece on Creationism and Evolution. Not pitting one against the other, but about the acceptance of both, primarily at Wheaton College, where ever that is. Professors there have to sign a "contract" saying that they believe that mankind originated from two literal individual human beings named Adam and Eve and that God infused them with a soul and his blessing. I grew bored with it after a short period of time and went to cook some jambalaya.

Zip was closed in my flatmate's room and after much digging under the door to let me know where she was - he is asleep and only wakes up when forced - I rescued her. She immediately ran off to consume large amounts of food.

So now I think I'm going to lie down and read Glory Road by Robert Heinlein. My messengers are on if anyone gets bored, and Sooz, if I'm around today and you like we can chat again.

Actually, since I had to turn telnetd back on, my BBS is alive if anyone wants to check it out. Telnet to, log in as "bbs" (no quotes, and no password) and create an account. Look around, post on the boards if you like. The chat part is in the "Talk" menu and then "Chat" (big surprise). It will probably be the case that no one is there, but maybe you'll get lucky and log on at the same time as someone else. I'll keep myself logged in just to see who shows up, but if I'm asleep, I won't respond. ;)

Oh, and I'll be using the nick "Slayer".

[1] Normal wakeup time is around 8pm, to put it into perspective.

cats, religion, books, society, cooking, science

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