I miss going on msn etc., so in desperation, since I heard that the university has wireless internet in many halls, I tried to bring my laptop, but naturally it didn't work, so I'm on the old university computers here. I just read, that I need "wireless internet card", which I obviously don't know anything about.
I haven't told anything about my days for 2-3 months now, it's time to quick sum up. September is fairly easy: I started on history, went to most classes, didn't read enough. Didn't hear much from Sevi. In total in the 3 months since I came home, I have recieved, 2 or 3 short sms's, 2 short mails (all usually apologising for not writing) and only one fairly long mail. And I have written her lots, even though I'm more busy than her. She uses her internet time, chatting with others, that's not good enough. My patience is getting thinner and thinner. Also I talked with a History professor about RAF and a possible assignment. Also there was parties for both history (where I went with Annette - se Aug. 31st update, and at a time told her - as she later told me - that I would be gone for a moment. However I got sick, and vomitted and lay feeling sick in one of the isolated toilets, I awoke late at night, maybe 4 or 5 am, and zombie walked home, very childish, I haven't donethat in years) and philsophy (there's a fellow student there, named Mette S., who have to be the most beautiful, intelligent and inspirational woman ever). I also went to my first political meeting with the People's Movement.
October was to be very busy, the plans just got more and more. Travels, lessons, extra lessons and alternative lectures (that you have to come to, to show your face), political meetings etc. It started when I was informed, that the painters would come on 2nd and/or 3rd of October to paint the outside windows and door. I waited home both days, missing school and whatnot, they didn't come. Then I got a note, saying they would come on 4th and/or 5th of October. Early at 7 am on the 4th I saw them at my neighbours, so I thought they'd come by me soon, I waited and got more impatient, of having to stand by, missing lots of treasured time. At 1 pm they came, well, one came, did a little, and then 1 hour later another came. They weren't they're for the last 2 hours of their working day with me, so I figured they were done, but they weren't (I hate their way of working, why do they start on a house, then do another house, take a break, start on a third house, before finishing the first?), so I stood by on the 5th as well.
On October 6th I was with a few others from Philosophy to a conference in Aarhus. This is were I used to live, and since I forgot some things last time I was home in Aarhus, I went back and fetched it and went back to the conference, missing one speech. When we went there, we were 6 from philosophy, when we went back, we were 4. One of the others were Mette S., and as we lived fairly close, we were on the same bus home, and I got to talk to her for the first time (besides those fairly brief small-talk in public for instance: "How are you?", "Do you want some coffee for the second half?" and "What do you think of the critic of Martin Heidegger's concept of we can feel nothingness, that it's impossible to feel something that is not there?"), and well, she's wonderful, but out of my league.
The night between October 8th and 9th, when I wrote my first LJ update about the BG trip, I got sick, due to walking to the university and back in the late of night with too little clothing. I would stay sick for almost a month until November 5th or so. This was due to, that I couldn't recover, because I was always busy.
First I tried to recover, because I didn't want to be sick on an important trip. I didn't succed, so I was still sick, when Jean T. and I went to Geneva in Switzerland. Here we (as representatives of the danish green party) participated in the EGP (European Green Party) conference. We took the train all the way, and it took more than 12 hours for me. I was sick and uncomfortable most of the time, and missed lots of the conference. But Jean, being the old veteran in this, was actually the conference delegate, I was "only" delegated for the Council meeting on October 15th. Jean also hung up with a norweigian delegate, so I was fairly much alone. One day, as we were walking to the conference, I found out my legs were in such pain, I had to turn around. But I had walked so slow, that they were far away, and I couldn't shout to them, so I went back to our hotel (
Hotel Pax). But then I realised, that the others had the keys, so I sad for 1½-2 hours in pain, sick and tired in the foyer, until I asked the incredible beautiful woman who was wandering around taking care of duties. Previously I thought I could learn some german, but although it was Switzerland, than they actually preferred speaking english over german. So I had to confront her with french or english, and I decided to give her a little attempt in her own language, as I said "excussez moi, j'ai une probleme, parlez vous anglais?", and she understood. I got a spare key and went to sleep. Jean is an odd fellow, he hates EGP and spends all his time criticising them, "they are not green enough, they are fascists, they support the EU, they practice propaganda" blah, blah, blah. It was strange to realise, that all he has said all these years, was equally as much propaganda. They were not that bad. So Jean eventually annoyed me, as he couldn't talk about anything about how horrible they were, and how wrong all was. He couldn't talk about anything else, and after being filled with politics constantly, I wanted to hear something else. Also one can wonder, why he so eagerly supports that we stay in the EGP, if he hates it so much, and why he so eagerly participates in the meetings. Actually he spends most of his time talking with other delegates, especially if they are hot women. That also annoyed me, he was simply all over all the women, that was his trip, and that's what the danish green pays thousands for? He doing that and then telling bullocks about the meeting. Jerk. Anyways,I participated in the council meeting. Jean was there too with me (unfortunally). We voted about the budget and the action plan. Jean wanted to vote against, but now I was the delegate, not he. And sure, the plan wasn't perfect, but it was rather positive, to set a positive green future. Also Jean also talked about how the scandinavian greens should work together. But the leading norweigian green representative voted for both things. Then came a funny moment, as we had run out of time, and still not voted on our ammendments. A dominating german guy wanted that the EGP leaders to decide on the ammendments. This was upsetting, as they have moved more and more power to the leaders away from the local parties. In the end we were to vote if we wanted to continue voting on the ammendments although the time was overdue. I was sure we would lose this, but eventually about 38 voted for and about 18 voted against (including that the german had 4 votes). Then the german bitterly left, trying to smile and look positive. He was escorted out with a slightly taunting/unpleasant-meant applause. It was so cool, and the political peak of the conference. We took back power.
See pics here, none of me, but I'm behind the camera, at times more later...