May 15, 2003 10:27
I really am not sure what to make of my life at this particular point in time. I've been so busy and caught up in academia that I have never seriously considered my life from somebody else's perspective. Meeting Orli, Lij and Miranda has definitely changed that.
They seem to think that I need to get out and socialise more, which is well and good, if I want to. But I don't want to. Or don't I? It feels like I've cloistered myself in mathematics and other academic details for my whole life. Not that it is a bad thing, but is it making me one sided? Perhaps.
The peppy pair and Miranda have insisted on taking me out dancing. God help me. I don't know how I'm going to keep up with them. What does one wear to go dancing these days, anyway?
Met a drama professor the other day. He seemed like a nice fellow. Told me that perhaps I should tell Orlando and Lij that their harping about my social life or the lack thereof is irritating me. I don't know. They mean well. I like them a lot, even though they exhaust me by all that bouncing around.