(wrt 4sq) Here's my cup of Care, oh right, it's fucking empty.

Feb 21, 2011 22:38

To start off, let me state: Foursqaure is the more useless social networking device ever because I seriously don't give a flying fuck about where you are now, whether you're in "City Hall Interchange" or "NUS" or "Lt 11" or wherever the fuck you are, so please stop flooding Twitter or FB with your incessant check-ins.

And it's annoying when people overuse 4sq and spam check-ins all at once. Like "NUS" > "Techno Edge" > "Macdonald's" and then "YAY I JUST USURPED XYZ AS THE MAYOR OF SMLJPLACE". Seriously guys, it's fucking irritating and annoying, and not to mention, pointless and if Twitter isn't already narcissistic enough, WHY DO PEOPLE NEED TO BE AWARE OF YOUR FUCKING WHEREABOUTS?? I don't care, not like I see HEY EFG IS AT SMLJPLACE, LET ME GO FIND HIM/HER! uhm no, nobody trolls on Twitter and Fb in search for WHERE IS XXX NOW, I AM SOO FUCKING CURIOUS!!!!!!!!!! Sorry to break it to you all honey, but the hard truth is: WE ALL DON'T GIVE A FUCK (surprise surprise). SO STOP SHOVING YOUR CHECK-INS IN OUR FACES.

I know a few of my friends use 4sq and that stupid app facebook added, PLACES. Like "_____ is at smljidcplace with 2353950 others". It just makes my blood boil cause I troll facebook for funny statuses and photos so I can laugh at, but your check-ins are not funny, it's not interesting, it's annoying. Unless you're checking in into EGYPT or NORTH KOREA or THE MOON or MARS, I clearly don't give a shit and neither does anybody else. Honestly, if you checked into THE BLACK HOLE, maybe I'll show some interest. So save your effort in checking in so often and just stop using 4sq, I'm sure you'll find the places you're at to be actually very interesting, instead of being only concerned with "OH WAIT I FORGOT TO CHECK IN!".

I know I shouldn't preach about the EVILS OF SOCIAL NETWORKING. But hey, you're already on Twitter and Facebook and Instagram, is there really a need to add 4sq to the equation? Plus you'll be saving many people the agony of scrolling down your incessant check-ins AND you'll clear up our newsfeeds to things that are really interesting, like stupid photos of people who think they can model or statuses that are nothing short of dumb, etc. THOSE are the things that still keep me on facebook, and I hope you 4sq users won't ruin that for me.

on an unrelated note (or is it?), whatever I type online, I mean every single word. And I don't say things that are untrue, I only say things when I'm 100% it has happened or I saw it happen. So I do no appreciate people accusing me or accusing. It's just a bloody insult, cause I've only been truthful. And if people wanna think of my ~accusations~ as attacks, then you obviously don't know me well as a friend, and neither do I know you that well. Because I am not out to attack anyone, but to let the person know that "hey this is your problem, please change it, cause it's not a good habit". And if the person sees that as accusations and gets all sensitive/offended/upset, then okay I'll back off, but deep down, I hope that person realised that they cannot hide behind such behaviours forever. One day, people will see through them, and I do not want to be the one standing at one corner saying "I told you so". 
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