Jan 20, 2011 20:59

Okay so here's the deal: on the 26th of Feb, I am CONFIRMED gonna have at least a dinner thing with my family+relatives. But the thing now is, I'm not sure if I should make it a party thing! Ok for starters, I'm really not a party person, but a wise man told me, "no party, no presents" (LOL) and I agree! HAHAHAHA. So herein lies my dilemma! I'm super lazy/reluctant to plan anything that would encompass AWKWARD moments (ie different groups of friends+relatives+birthdaycake juggling) cause I'm really bad at parties (neither an entertainer nor sociable apparently). Point being, I AM NOT THE KIND THAT WOULD GO AROUND ASKING PEOPLE TO EAT/ENJOY THEMSELVES/ETC!

So I've been googling a few places and Durty Nelly's sound interesting, like max 80pax. I DON'T KNOWWWWWW T_T 21st party, Y U NO PLAN YOURSELF!? My house is a no-no, cause it's so small and cramped & I hate people coming to my house OR room (& worse, sit on my bed AND touch my things!) Mac's is still inviting hahahahaha but many people have said it's dumb for 21st ): so I DON'T KNOWWWWWWWWW.

Yknow what after I typed this shit out, I realised, I'm not gonna plan one for my friends. I'll just do the family one and meet my friends group by group (THERE, possibility of awkward moments DISPELLED)? Wahseh, damn sian, what if nobody wants to meet me!! AHAHAHAHAHA #4everAlone

Okay this entry was a complete waste of my time (+ probably yours too). 
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