What a way to end Recess Week

Sep 26, 2010 21:49

As sad as I am that tomorrow it'll be back to NUS ): I gotta admit, this week has been great! :D Even though there was the Sun Yat-Sen essay to rush, I'm thankful that was my only assignment. Haha, did NO studying afterwards!

Thursday was spent at SMU with Hwee and I witnessed her immense excitement when she finally got her visa! HAHA. Amusing. Anyway after she left, I managed to read a little before Anthea, Leow and Abc arrived and I didn't study much already HAHA. Then I left in the rain ): had to hitch my dress above my knees to reach City Hall omg. Totally 2012. Met diane and we headed to BUKIT ULU BATOK! HAHA to the Firestation Hillside Gastrobar for Di's Tweenteen birthday dinner :D The smoked duck pizza was ossum :D Love my 4 girls <3 As usual we were missing Joanna ):

Friday was FOOD FOOD FOOD AND MORE FOOD with Jairus. Katong Laksa (cause the Katong carrot cake was sold out BOO) -> Everything With Fries -> Prive, omg we were stuffed. Had to cancel a few venues cause we were too full! Actually it was only Jai, I could continue! Which is very bad, I swear I'm getting chunkier/chubbier/fatter/uglier with each passing day. I bought one tub of low fat-yogurt and banana crunch cereal, my diet officially begins NOW.

Saturday was off to Ariane's birthday party where I saw my cousins after uhm, very long. Anyway not very close to that bunch, so NO LOSS. Went home to pack and change and it was offffff for F1 :D Daughtry and Lambert <3 Long story, I managed to get the fanzone tickets despite being a total bitch. SORRY GIRLS, I DID NOT MEAN WHAT I SAID, THANK YOU FOR THE TICKETS! GOD BLESS YOU AND YOUR KINDNESS HAHA. I will go atone for my mistakes. THANK YOU SO MUCH! <3

Today, I went to buy two Angelfish for Jairus :D their names are Greg and Bubbles HAHAHA. 
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