mah lyf iz ossum

Sep 21, 2010 23:52

HELLO PEOPLE WHO STILL READ THIS LJ :D Sorry been neglecting this page since I got ahem, twitter hahaha. Figured why blog when I can sum up in 140 characters? HOHO.

Anyway it's currently recess week and I'm not in any mood now to do work (when did I ever), I shall update more than just Command+C Command+V lyrics hahahaha.

Btw insight into my sad life, I finally saw what porn is like. Meh, is greatly disappoint, nothing interesting, I much prefer to watch Animal Planet's Wild Sex. So I conclude, PORN IS OVERRATED. GET A LYF GUISE. How sad people jerk off to watching people (ie NOT YOU) have sex.

Moving on, I handed in my first assignment, whoop whoop! Rejoice. One muthaeffer off my back. Just wrote out my deadlines and sigh sigh sigh aiming to complete everything before reading week so I can study for Finals. CAP 4.0, LET'S GO. Been doing my readings, haha, amazing shizz really. I really dislike Political Ideologies tutorials, esp with that creepy guy! I swear he likes Carol HAHAHA. Poor girl. And geek much, I quite enjoy Intl Pol of SEA hahahaha, it's pretty engaging, but not in the scary "omg everybody is so smart, I wanna die" way.

This month is self-declared POK-GAI MONTH. Three birthdays :O and all these people are pretty important to me haha. Brother, Diane and Jai. So by far, Jai's birthday is the one giving me the most headache! Since I missed his 21st last year, or in his words- "you forgot", I decided to up this year to make amends hahaha. The effort I put in, even begging the dad for the car, HE BETTER APPRECIATE IT, hahaha. Just kidding, ilu <3 And there's 2 concerts & a chance to see F1 cars up close THROWN IN FOR FREE. Wah this kind of birthday where to find? Brother's present was damn chinchye, I just strode into Zara men, picked a shirt in his size, paid and went home. Diane's birthday dinner tomorrow at Fire Station Gastrobar :D So eggcitinggggg <3

Sooooo, life's been pretty boring, haha. I think I hang around KR too much :/ Should really stop going to C block 2nd floor so much haha. Anw Jai bought more fishies. Srsly, he started with about 20 guppies (?) and now he's left with 6. Recently, Weilai dumped two goldfishes in, Jai's dad bought him 2 more, and he bought one SUPER HUMJI fish. I called it the Tank of Death and he was so annoyed with me HAHA. Annoying my boyfriend is my bizniz :D So next time if you visit C202, ask him to show you his ledge, it's a mini fishy graveyard. And that new fish he bought that he claims is his favourite is so humji it's unbelievable. Its strips turn grey when it's afraid/alarmed/frightened & he swims at the bottom of the ~Tank of Death~, away from the others. Btw, he's PERPETUALLY GREY, only saw solid black strips once! Walao, humji and antisocial max!

Kay can't believe I dedicated a paragraph to the Tank of Death hahahaha. Whoop whoop I'm bored, shall go rewatch Big Bang Theory :D
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