Kittens and Adulting Panic, part the Second

Aug 04, 2013 17:18

Well, it could be worse. Had a bit of a turbulent couple of weeks. I can't remember if I said here or not, but I had an IBS flare up a couple of weeks back. Oh so not fucking good. It coincided with that really hot snap, so I was exhausted, in pain, and unable to eat much of anything, desperately worried I was developing a fever which would mean a trip to the hospital and a real shitfest at work. Fortunately a few days on the strong painkillers and I was getting over it. I think I might know what caused it - I got some nut-and-seed crunchy cakes that were delicious but contained a lot of baked seeds, and I think they scratched something in my insides, which resulted in a full scale revolt.

I've now done three shifts with the RSPCA at the cat rescue. So far it's going well - there are about 25-30 cats there, about 12 of which are kittens, and exactly the fuzzy adorable things you'd imagine. When I have someone who's there cat-fussing with me we let them out for a run around the pod room and play tag with them.  The others are older cats ranging from one to thirteen years, I admit I am enjoying it a lot. Sitting there with three kittens playing chase-the-fluffy-toy around you is one of those moments where you can't quite believe people are not only happy to let me do this but actually grateful.

Niece has had a short stay in hospital due to epic tonsillitis. According to Maman it got so bad she could hardly swallow. She's off work for three weeks and I am hoping hard that they are going to arrange to have them out. I had horrible tonsillitis for years before I lost mine. Richard didn't even let Denise talk to her while she was sick as a dog. Asshole.

I'm currently fending off a bout of Adult Panic - you know, the one where you're convinced there's something real adults would be doing right now and you're not doing it, and there's this vague panic you can't quite put your finger on. I'm sitting with it for a while. Plus in the last week we've had a door bust, the fridge thermostat go to hell and one of our drying racks collapse. And last night another of my housemates had to coax a frog out from under the fridge. No idea. 
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