Welcome to Norwich, Twinned with Satan's Arsecrack

Jul 06, 2013 15:08

Today at least. It's too bloody hot so I am lurking indoors in next to nothing hoping my computer is not going to fry . The Lord Mayor's Celebrations are going on in the city centre, but there's no way on earth I'm going to see them without serious sunburn and I just don't care that much. Right now I'm fighting Adult Guilt - you know, the feeling that you get when you're lying about, lying in or doing something otherwise unproductive and you have that tiny voice nagging you in the back of your head that a Proper Adult would be washing the windows, tidying the fridge, planning the meals for next month, balancing the budget, and so on and so on forever, while you sit there and cringe because of all the things you're not doing. Fortunately the heat means I'm also too languid to get stressed.
I was at the Civil Service Conference on Tuesday, fortunately it wasn't unbearable hot so train journey wasn't too bad. There was some interesting stuff - I avoided the more political talks like the plague, as the buggers are lying like rugs anyway. I enjoyed the talk on Porton Down and the MOD research they do there, I had a chat to the sniffer dogs and handlers at the Border Force stand and the researchers from FERA about tree diseases and bees. And the people at CSL had a few interesting things to say as well.
Maman called Wednesday - the police followed Pater home after someone reported him for dangerous driving, so he's had his license confiscated - this time for good. Surprisingly he didn't kick up a huge fuss, but it's quite a relief - Maman has been worried for ages that he's going to get someone killed with his driving, and the best case scenario would be himself. The worst... well, thank all the gods, that's all I'm saying.
Niece has finally got an appointment with a counsellor. I am breathing a sigh of relief. The huge amount of crap she's carting about from her mother, father, stepfather and abusive exes is undoubtedly a very bad influence on her and it could do the world of good to work on that with a professional. It may also help her work out that Maman is neurotic as hell. On the other hand, I fear that Niece's tendency to flounce at the first sign of being challenged - a tendency picked up from her mother - may torpedo the whole thing. I hope not.
And in other news, the RSPCA cattery near me got back to me about my application to be a volunteer cat socialiser - or cat cuddler, as I call it. I have a training session on Tuesday, then once I've made sure my jabs are sufficient, I'll hopefully be doing a couple of hours a week. I am very chuffed. I will also post pictures if time and kitties allow.
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