[OOC] Canon Compilation

Apr 27, 2009 11:51

Wow I can't believe the Rift was the main motivation for actually. Writing down something other than "lol info goes here" for most of my TiddlyWiki entries. Basically, this is ALL the canon and background information I have for Trian. Wow I have a lot of drabbles...There's probably a few lot of inconsistencies around, but that's what happens when you write bits and pieces over a few years. The most recect stuff are the AU sections.

You will see the name Tyler pop up in most of the drabbles. Tyler is Trian's blind, adopted brother. They are also very gay for each other. Don't ask me how that happened :(


Tiddly Wiki - You can bask in how messy the entries are when I haven't edited anything. Note that there will be a couple of entries with Elarcil on it, rather than Rune-Midgard. This is because I'm currently retconning my whole canon and converting from Ragnarok Online fandom to original fiction. Nevermind it for now! I will make another post when I complete the conversion. Still very incomplete

Immediately relevant entries (because Trian's a whore and technically involved in almost all of them):
Characters > Trian Lizray, Tyler Li lol I haven't written anything useful for them yet. The closest you can get is this, but it's kind of whuh? to people not in the know
Gods > The Magic Stream
Magic > Mage Magic
Cities > Yuno OOPS not quite done yet either. There's an LJ essay in there, but it's not very coherent and I've changed it in my head canon.

(oh man rereading my old works makes me cringe QQ I WAS SO BRATTY TWO YEARS AGO )

From the Moments in Time collection - Bed Partners; Scrambled Eggs; The Beginning, Middle and End; Connubiality; The Problem with Euphemisms; Bird; Sleeping Positions; Random 10; Stream Disease; Small Moments (平和和平)

From LJ
Thine Eyes

Wow okay some of this is er. Well these are the stories/drabbles that need some retconning to properly fit into canon, but the events they describe are still somewhat accurate. SUPER OLD STUFF
Deadly Enchantment (not a drabble!)
Low and High

AU. Still important as a self reference, as this is how Trian turns out when he doesn't have power.
Vampire AU. NOTE. Anything in this AU is pretty much either rape or pseudo-rape or hinting at it. Or sex. Skip it if you don't want to read it. This is how you break a Trian. Wow why is there so MUCH?
Boundaries Broken
The Aftermath
Boundaries Broken, Redux
The Aftermath, take two
can't call it hate
knowing isn't believing
He almost says, since you hate me so much, kill me
it's a fucking battle all through the night
Wine and Blood (bees is canon)

Loveless AU wow Trian with kitty ears and a kitty tail what. LOVELESS DOESN'T MAKE ANY SENSE.
Untitled 1
Untitled 2

Vampire (Twilight sweet as syrup) RP logs (T-Trian such a WHORE)
Like the Hiding Sun
Training Post

Essays What :(
AU. Vampire!Trian vs RO!Trian
T&T and their relationship + sex, or lack thereof
Quotes meme (which isn't actually an essay)


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