[OOC] General Info!

Apr 16, 2010 23:57


The Player

Name: Tenshi (
Available on: E-mail/G-chat: yesihatespring@gmail.com
MSN: ihatespring@hotmail.com
Timezone: GMT +08:00
The Playing Experience: Not much! So I'm totally open to concrit and would love it if your characters jump me at ANY time ; w;
Canons?: VERY canon blind. Basically, playing with characters with canon is the equivalent of playing with original characters.
Other?: I like being talked to! I love discussing crack situations and just talking about characters in general <3 PLUS it's super hard to offend me. B-but I'm kind of shy so I don't usually initiate conversation ;;

I will also continue threads forever and ever! \o/ If you ever want to pick up a dropped thread, I'm more than happy to! If I drop a thread (h-half the time it'll be because I accidentally deleted the message and didn't realise there was a response), ping me and I'll pick it back up.


The Character

Age: physically about 25, in reality over 150
Height: 199 cm (6'6")
Weight: 60 kg (132 lb)
Medical Info: Skinny and bony! Underweight! There is also a long, thin scar encircling his left thigh where he tried to CUT OFF HIS LEG WITH A KITCHEN KNIFE. GJ Trian. But otherwise healthy, if a bit underfed.
Eyes: Purple Brown
Hair: White Black and waist length
Appearance: Currently he...doesn't have a lot of clothing. He's wearing a shirt that's too broad across the shoulders and too short everywhere else. Same deal with the pants, which are kind of constantly sitting low on his hips because he doesn't have a belt. They are also too short for him and their size makes them super loose as well. around.

Alignment: True neutral leaning towards the good side (\o/ D&D alignment system)
Relationship Status: Taken! Tyler may not be in Chicago, but after taking over 100 years to get this far, that's not disappearing any time soon.

Abilities: Is a powerful (high) wizard! But, because this is a completely different world, spell casting is very different. Trian needs to work out the kinks and figure out how to get things working (and so do I). For now, I've set a 2 foot radius in which Trian must conjure his magic. Note: His magic is 'elemental' type magic, so he can't pull true illusions, or telekinesis etc. I-It's possible he can relearn how to teleport here.
Notes for the Psychics: What you see is pretty much what you get. Trian's pretty easy to read normally, so there isn't much reason to poke around there. If you need more details on his background for brain raping, talk to me OOCly!
Maiming: P-Please talk to me first, as past experience says he deals with intentional (...and unintentional) maiming VERY BADLY. But punching and the like is okay. IT'S ALWAYS OKAY TO HIT THE IDIOT.
Other: Don't push him into water because he will drown IMMEDIATELY. He won't even make it back up to the surface to splash around a bit. This is because of the training he has had in order to cast magic back in his home world.

Also, you can do whatever shit to him or his 'friends', Trian will NEVER KILL. Use that as you will.

ooc, stats

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