Nov 08, 2012 20:44
So it's been a really long time since I updated this thing, I've been busy and I just never feel like I have anything of substance to write about. So here is the down & dirty of my life lately.
School: I finished my Mild Moderate K-12 Certification in August. I haven't actually applied for it, but ya know... I can. :P
Work: I interviewed for a Special Ed Preschool position with Solon Schools shortly before school started. They called me the day after my interview and said they had given the position to someone with more preschool experience, but they were really impressed with my interview and wanted to offer me this other position. I am acting as a one on one aide for a little girl with some pretty severe disabilities. I obviously can't go into detail about it, but she's almost 4 and is not walking, talking, or cognitively on par. The job has it's days, but it's definitely better now that it was at the beginning.
Boys: Breaking up with Jeff, while possibly the hardest thing I've ever done, is probably the best. I spent the next couple months spending time with friends, enjoying life, and working. At the end of softball season after the last game, the team went over Nick's house to watch baseball and hang out. Clayton (who had been playing with us all summer) didn't know where Nick's was, and since I had ridden out with Hannah I offered to ride with him. Well we left before everyone else and wound up sitting at waiting at Nick's house for half an hour. We were talking about a bunch of stuff and football season came up. I told him about Nick & I going to the three games, and he said him & his brother were season ticket holders. We exchanged texts so we could tailgate. That night, he dropped me off at home and backed out of the driveway, which no one can EVER do, so I text him and said "Gold star for backing out of my driveway" and we text from then on out. We talked about a million things & nothing, and I developed a little crush. :) My friend Mike, who happens to be our softball coach & Clayton's cousin, finished his BSN so we all went out to celebrate. Weeeelllll one thing led to another and my crush on Clayton grew. :) The very next morning I left for a week in the OBX with Hannah, and talked to Clayton pretty much every evening via text. On Labor Day, Clayton came over to watch The Godfather (his favorite movie) and officially asked me to be his girlfriend. Since then, things have been amazing. He's the BEST guy on this planet. He makes me laugh, he listens when I talk, he talks to me, and both of our families love the other one. He is quickly becoming my best friend, and the person I go to with everything. We have talked about anything and everything, from the silly to the serious, and i've fallen head over heels. :o)
Football: I bought tickets for Nick & I to three Browns games this season, then he bought us & our dads tickets to an additional game. Two weeks ago was the game with the dads, it was pouring rain, miserable, and cold. We left at halftime after watching the Ohio State Marching Band play (really cool) and came home. Last weekend was the Ravens game, and the weather was much nicer. Nick & I went and sat with Clayton & Luke in their seats after the first quarter and we had a blast. Definitely a great game. We went back to Nick's and watched the beginning of the 4:00 game, and then Clayton & I came back to my house. He fell asleep on the couch & I hung out with mom & justine lol. We have the Steelers game the Sunday after Thanksgiving & the Chiefs the weekend after that. Should be a lot of fun :)
Wedding: Amanda's wedding is slowly creeping up on me! I'm SO excited for the wedding, for Florida, and to see my best friend. :) Gotta get my dress soon, so gotta get back to workin out and all that jazz.