Feb 02, 2009 13:55
So, back to classes today, and Louisville is a fucking wasteland!
Wait, let me be a little more specific: the University of Louisville is a wasteland. I understand that there has been a lot of damage, but they've had a week to clean that shit up. There are fallen trees everywhere, and I mean everywhere. The sidewalks weren't even shoveled that well, and only a few of them salted. Thus, I am thinking that until everything has been cleaned up, we probably shouldn't have class. :)
But it's alright, nonetheless, because I missed having class. My brother is still out of school. Ridiculous.
My English class was awesome today. We are watching / analyzing this documentary called Promises, which basically follows seven Israeli/Palestinian children in Israel and their opinions on the Arab-Israeli conflict.
I also turned in my first big essay.
So I'm glad that's out of the way.
I was also supposed to have three exams last week, but due to the weather, they were obviously not last week.
My Philosophy prof just decided to give us a take-home exam, due on Wednesday. I've done a few of the questions.
My German exam is rescheduled for Wednesday.
My Environ bio exam is rescheduled for Friday.
My schedule for work doesn't totally suck, for once.
Also, on MySpace, it is rather depressing.
There is this bulletin that says:
"How would the governments of our planet
prepare six billion people for the end of the world?"
"They wouldn't."
Anyway, it is an advertisement for The Institute for Human Continuity.
I visited the site.
it's rather interesting.
now all the paranoid people
are going crazy
because apparently
the world is going to
end in 2012.
It's a really interesting concept.
I'm not sure what to believe yet, haha.
I am off to nap and perhaps study now.
Then work for the rest of the evening.
Then anthro tomorrow,
and back here for a long ass nap yay.
Then work again.
See the pattern?
snow days,
arab-israeli conflict,