
May 30, 2007 22:52

I. Can. Not. Sleep.

and it really, really sucks.

I have to be at work before 7:00am tomorrow for some dumbass meeting, which I'll multi-task my way through anyway (it's a telecon...).

I was almost asleep.  Right at the cusp, as they say.  And then...nope, not so much.  Wide awake again.  Don't know why, but it's been happening lately with greater frequency.

And there's no new J/R fic to read.

Sucky, suck, suck.

...and why is there no "sulky" mood thingy?

Edited to add: I just noticed the amount of the use of the word "suck" in this journal.  Huh?  Freudian much...
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