What I'm Reading

Aug 03, 2021 07:35

What did you recently finish reading?
High on the Hog by Jessica B. Harris
Most recent non-fiction read. Interesting concept but I didn't totally love the execution.

The Brothers Karamazov by Fyodor Dostoyevsky
Read as part of my Around the World Reading Challenge for Russia. Interesting, but probably my least favorite of the Russian Lit books I've read.

The Fury and Cries of Women by Angele Rawiri
Read for my Around the World Reading Challenge for Gabon. Interesting but I didn't love it.

Resilience (Chronicles of Alsea #7) by Fletcher DeLancey
My monthly Alsea read which I was a bit nervous about since the last book had been my least favorite so far but this one was fabulous!

What are you currently reading?
Cultish: The Language of Fanaticism by Amanda Montell
Current non-fiction read.

Hurricane Child by Kacen Callender
Current audiobook listen as part of my Around the World Reading Challenge for the Virgin Islands.

What do you think you’ll read next?
Troll: A Love Story by Johanna Sinisalo
Next in line for my Around the World Reading Challenge for Finland.

Journey in the Dark by Martin Flavin
Next Pulitzer Prize Winner read.

Beautifully Unexpected by Lily Morton
Next MM romance read.

Simon Snow Trilogy by Rainbow Rowell
The final book in this trilogy came out recently so I'm planned to reread the first two and then read the final one! This entry was originally posted here on Dreamwidth. Please comment there using OpenID

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