July Writing Wrap-Up + August Goals

Aug 01, 2021 08:59

July Word Count Goal: 25,116 / 25,000

2021 Total Word Count Goal: 115,474 / 150,000

2021 Total Writing Days Goal: 145 / 220

I hit my goal! To be fair, I definitely didn't write all of those words, as 10k of that is on my collab fic and there's no easy way to determine how many words my collab partner and I each individually wrote so I just count the overall progress. But I'm more than okay with that, and generally pleased with my overall progress, especially since I lost about a week at the end of the month due to feeling like crap.JULY ROUND-UP
  • January
    daily_deviant: went through final beta edits and posted! You can read it here.

  • Unwanted Wincest Bunny: went through beta edits, did final read-through, and posted! You can read it here.

  • A Relationship Unravels: refined outline and wrote 4 scenes.

  • Monster Daddy Sam Collab: co-wrote first three scenes!

  • Prison Break!Wincest: went through initial edits and sent to beta.

  • Vampire!Wincest: wrote 6 scenes and started a seventh.

  • Wincest Panty!Kink: outlined and started drafting!
August Word Count Goal: 15,000

Still have plenty to work on this month but I have a feeling my dance card is going to be pretty full with RL stuff & modding responsibilities, so hoping a 15k goal is more achievable.

August Fics to Focus On
  • Monster Daddy Sam Collab: keep writing! I'd love to finish the first ~arc~ and get started on the next.

  • Vampire!Wincest: I'd really love to finish this fic this month, which is possibly ambitious given other responsibilities.

  • Prison Break!Wincest: go through beta edits and post!

  • Wincest Panty!Kink: continue drafting. Possibly finish?

  • A Relationship Unravels: finish fic and do initial edit.

Upcoming Fics / Stuff on the back-burner
  • Future
    daily_deviant: the comm is essentially on hiatus with no firm plans to return, but I'm planning to continue writing for it if they post themes or fest info.

  • Wincest Size!Kink: not a high priority, but something to come back to at some point

  • Abandoned
    hd-wireless: wasn't able to get my shit together to make the fest, but I'd love to finish at some point. Maybe for next year? LOL. I'd say I have less than 10k left to write + editing, so it should be doable and I really like the idea so I definitely want to finish at some point!

  • Abandoned
    harrydracobang: I've got about 45k between my draft + remaining outline, and I'd say I have another 15k or so to write + significant editing. I really do want to come back to this at some point, I just don't think I'm quite ready yet.

  • Sterek!AU: I think I might need to just accept that this is just not happening right now. I've got it outlined but I need to rewatch the movie inspiration to refine, and I've just not been in the mood.

  • Taking Chances Sequel: on indefinite hiatus. I've got several pages worth of ideas for the sequel, but it's in no cohesive plot form, and IDK if it'll ever come to life.

  • Pile O' Plot Bunnies: I currently have a list of over 20 concrete plot bunny ideas. Some of things I'll try and incorporate into fests or daily deviant themes. Some are sequels or codas to existing fics of mine. There are a couple of ideas here that I REALLY want to write at some point, so I'm always keeping an eye out for a good opportunity to prioritize one of my ideas.
This entry was originally posted here on Dreamwidth. Please comment there using OpenID

writing round-up, personal: monthly wrap-up, fandom, personal: writing, fandom: supernatural, fandom: harry potter

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