Wednesday Words

Feb 17, 2021 07:10

Honestly, I'm pretty pleased with my words this week. More or less accomplished my goals + took a day off writing for my fandom-free day, which I think is a good thing. I technically would be okay with writing for my fandom-free days because it's an activity I can do in isolation from the rest of fandom, but for now I'm liking trying to do as much of a total block as I can. Also making good/steady progress on my HDBB, and I've started refining what I want to do for the ending, though that still needs more work!

Weekly Word Count (2/10- 2/16) = 4,752

What I Worked On:

Next Week's Goals

  • harrydracobang: draft at least two scenes, finalize outiine.

  • Sterek!Fic: I'd really love to watch the movie inspo for this one and then refine the outline.

Other Fannish Activities!
  • Did various modly things over at

  • Responded to 56 fanfic comments (LOL, somebody commented on every chapter of my 36 chapter fic....)

  • Read 9k words of fanfic

  • Went fandom-free on Monday... for the most part
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personal: writing, personal: writing round-up, fandom: harry potter

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