January Writing Wrap-Up + February Goals

Feb 01, 2021 06:45

January Word Count Goal: 15,897 / 15,000

2021 Total Word Count Goal:15,897 / 150,000

2021 Total Writing Days Goal: 23 / 220

Not bad!! Honestly, the past three years I've had a really low word count in January, so I'm pleasantly surprised I managed to stay pretty steady this month. It's definitely not a massive amount of words, but I hit my goals and was pretty consistent with making time to write. JANUARY ROUND-UP

  • harrydracobang: mapped out at least 75% of my outline (still deciding on the ending) and wrote 7 scenes.

  • hd_erised: no words, but reveals went up so I can claim my fic! You  can read it here!

  • Dream!Fic: refined the outline a bit.

  • hp_goldenage: finished draft, sent to & got back from beta, went through final edits, and submitted!

  • hpdarkartsMy Bloody Valentine/
    hpfemslash-minifest January/February: outlined, drafted, went through initial edits, and sent to beta.
February Word Count Goal: 15,000
Keeping my goal on the reasonable side, especially because it's a shorter month! And because I really only have one fic to work on at the moment. But that fic happens to need to be at least 50k, which means I should be able to squeeze 15k out of it this month at least.

February Fics to Focus On

  • hpdarkartsMy Bloody Valentine/
    hpfemslash-minifest January/February: go through beta edits, do final read-through, and post!

  • harrydracobang: I'd like to aim for writing at least 8 scenes this month.

  • Sterek!AU: I didn't manage this last month, but for Feb I'd really love to go through and refine the outline. Which I keep putting off because it involves me watching a movie, and I've just not been in the mood to watch any movies at all, but I know I'll enjoy it once I just make myself sit down and do it!
  • Dream!Fic: this is suuuper loosely outlined and I like the concept, but no real reason to prioritise at the moment. I might not touch this one this month, but I often like to have at least one other project to poke at when I'm writing something long like my HDBB, just to stretch my brain a bit, so if I have that urge, I'd like to play with this one a bit.

Upcoming Fics / Stuff on the back-burner
  • Future
    daily_deviant: the comm has been dead-silent for months, so who knows what's happening, but I'm planning to continue writing for it if they post themes or fest info.

  • Deaged Fic: this is a vague idea I love, I just haven't fleshed out the actual outline/plot yet.

  • Taking Chances Sequel: on indefinite hiatus. I've got several pages worth of ideas for the sequel, but it's in no cohesive plot form, and IDK if it'll ever come to life.

  • Pile O' Plot Bunnies: I currently have a list of over 20 concrete plot bunny ideas. Some of things I'll try and incorporate into fests or daily deviant themes. Some are sequels or codas to existing fics of mine. There are a couple of ideas here that I REALLY want to write at some point, so I'm always keeping an eye out for a good opportunity to prioritize one of my ideas.
This entry was originally posted here on Dreamwidth. Please comment there using OpenID

writing round-up, personal: monthly wrap-up, fandom, personal: writing, fandom: harry potter

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