prompt help!

Jul 15, 2020 18:25

I'm trying to think up ideas for this year's
bbtp_challenge (a smutty multi-fandom challenge posting on September 1) and I am uncharacteristically drawing a blank! Not even my trusty plot-bunny folder has been able to help me, as all of the ideas are either not porny or far too long for me to be able to finish in time. So I figured I'd ask y'all for help! I'd love to use one of the kinks on my
seasonofkink bingo card, and I'd love to get some prompt/pairing ideas for any of the available kinks! Any HP pairing goes! I can't promise I'll write more than one, but I am hoping to eventually get a bingo blackout, so I just might!

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help, fest: bbtp, fest: seasonofkink, fandom: harry potter

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