Wednesday Words

Jul 10, 2019 08:26

Not a bad week! Not a bad week at all. I was honestly a bit worried because these days I'm actually the most productive during work days when I have my routine, and I had a four-day weekend this past week that I thought might end up cutting into my wording. BUT, I actually managed a good balance, and I'm thinking this consistency thing wherein I make myself write everyday, even if it's just for 30 minutes, is paying off.

Weekly Word Count (7/3 - 7/9) = 6,029

What I Worked On:

  • hdtropes - finished going through the last of my beta edits, did a final read-through, and submitted!

  • hp_crossgenfest - finished writing the first draft and went through initial round of edits.
  • Potential
    hp_daddyfest - wrote first scene!

Next Week's Goals

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personal: writing, personal: writing round-up, fandom: harry potter

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