July Daily Deviant: Side-Effect (Firenze/Harry, Explicit)

Jul 09, 2019 08:34

Can you believe it's taken me THIS long to write Centaur porn? I know, I'm shocked too, but better late than never, yeah?

Title: Side-Effect
Characters/Pairings: Firenze/Harry, implications of future Harry/Draco, background Neville/Hannah
Rating: Explicit
Kinks/Themes Chosen: Magical Creatures (Centaur) & Sex Under the Influence
Other Warnings/Content: dub-con of the sex pollen/aphrodisiac variety, kind of recreational drug use, human/Centaur lovin', xenophilia, sex with a non-human sentient being, anal fingering, anal sex, bottom!harry, Professor Harry, casual sex, pining, hung!Firenze (... you might say he's hung like a horse)
Word Count: ~3,750
Summary/Description: Harry's all mixed up over his feelings for Draco, so Firenze offers him some mystical Centaur herbs to help grant him some clarity. Turns out these herbs have some… unexpected effects on humans.
Author's Notes: I'd say this is the most out-there thing I've written, but I once wrote Sirius/Sirus's Motorbike porn, so this is actually pretty on-brand for me. :D

Thanks so much to my betas for looking this one over for me! ♥

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recreational drug use, no repost, my fanfic, trope: friends with benefits, fandom: harry potter, kink: dub-con, pairing: firenze/harry, trope: made them do it, kink: anal sex, kink: bestiality, pairing type: cross gen, rating: nc-17, kink: xenophilia, kink: fingering, comm: daily_deviant, profession: teachers and professors

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