For amorette: Rematch (Cormac/Ron, Explicit)

May 12, 2019 10:08

Title: Rematch
Pairing: Cormac/Ron
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: ~3,000
Content/Warnings: Quidditch, Auror Ron, Ministry Worker Cormac, shower!sex, bisexual Ron, hand jobs, hate!sex (only not really, more like… antagonistic!sex?)
Summary: Given what happened after last month's match, Ron wasn't taking any chances.
Notes: Happiest of birthdays, lovely
amorette! I love you so much, I wrote Rormac for you, so I hope you appreciate my sacrifice! ;) Hopefully I didn't totally butcher them, LOL. You are such an awesome, fun, delightful human being, and I love talking fandom and kink and beauty and business with you! You are the best, and I hope your birthday is amazing. ♥

Thanks a billion to
capitu and
nerdherderette for reading this one over for me! ♥

Read on AO3

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no repost, pairing type: slash, my fanfic, era: post-hogwarts, pairing: cormac/ron, fandom: harry potter, kink: shower!sex, birthdays, gift!fic, rating: nc-17, profession: law enforcement, kink: hate!sex

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