May DD Fic: Take it in Trade (Antonin/Draco, Explicit)

May 09, 2019 08:56

It's time for another
daily_deviant fic!

Title: Take It in Trade
Pairing: Antonin Dolohov/Draco Malfoy
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: ~3,150
Kinks/Themes Chosen: Clothed Sex, Facials, & Self Taste
Warnings/Content: Hogwarts 7th Year, dub-con, sex for favours, age difference/cross-gen, blow jobs, facials, power imbalance, underage in some countries (though not in the UK)
Summary: Without a wand, and with his family out of favour with the Dark Lord, Draco finds himself in need of protection. Draco is fairly certain Antonin Dolohov will provide it, but he's not going to do it for free.
Author's Notes: This is a pairing I've been wanting to write for literal years, and finally I made it happen! Thanks so much to
capitu and
amorette for their brilliant help whipping this one into shape. :D
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kink: underage, no repost, pairing type: slash, my fanfic, pairing: antonin/draco, fandom: harry potter, pairing type: cross gen, rating: nc-17, kink: dub-con, kink: blow jobs, comm: daily_deviant

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