Wincest Fic Recs

Feb 05, 2019 15:16

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♥ = favorite

updated March 9, 2020


*NEW: 2/12/2020*
Title: the sun beats hot on my bones
Pairing: Dean/Sam
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 1,518
Content/Warnings: AU: No Supernatural, AU: Not Related (probably)
Summary: Sam owns a ranch. Dean finds it. AU.
Super fun and hot AU with some gorgeous sexual tension!

Title: Running to Stand Still
Pairing: Dean/Sam
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 1,657
Content/Warnings: sibling incest, rough sex, bottom!dean
Summary: In the beginning, it's messy as hell...
Hot with a kind of messed up Dean who can't accept any tenderness, but thankfully Sam manages to eventually wear him down.

Title: Just the Tip
Pairing: Dean/Sam
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 1,910
Content/Warnings: AU: Pre-Series, underage, sibling incest, rimming, implied bottom!sam, dirty talk
Summary: Dean wasn't sticking anything in Sam's ass until he was fifteen, and that was that.
JFC this was so filthy, hot, with a Dean trying to be *somewhat* honorable, and not fuck Sam until he's 15.

Title: The Little Spoon
Pairing: Dean/Sam
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 2,323
Content/Warnings: sibling incest, switching, bottom!dean, bottom!sam, rimming, established relationship
Summary: To his horror, Sam discovers that he's a stealth!snuggler.
Oh this was so sweet and crazy hot!

*NEW: 3/9/2020*
Title: The Eight Hard Ways (On LJ, not AO3)
Author: lyra_wing
Pairing: Dean/Sam
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: ~2,500
Content/Warnings: sibling incest, bottom!dean
Summary: Sparring porn. 'Nuff said. Takes place after "Faith."
Super hot fic with Sam and Dean sparring, which then leads to fucking.

Title: Hold me like we’re going home
Pairing: Dean/Sam
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 2,505
Content/Warnings: sibling incest, forced proximity
Summary: “Hey, hey,” Dean says, suppressing a shiver as Sam’s giant hands spread over his lower back, huge and warm even through the cheap suit he’s wearing as part of their fake-FBI getup. “I don’t know what you’ve heard, but I’m not that easy.”
Sam snorts a laugh against the side of Dean’s head.
“Very funny, Dean,” he says.
Enjoyable fic with Dean and Sam tied up together for ~reasons~ and of course all the squirming about trying to free leads to some interesting physical responses... :D

Title: That Sweet Memory Lingers
Pairing: Dean/Sam
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 2,563
Content/Warnings: AU: Pre-Series, underage, sibling incest, hung!sam, bottom!dean, dirty talk, barebacking
Summary: Dean finds a box of Sam's XL condoms, and freaks out.
Seriously dirtyhot little ficlet.

♥ Title: Hush
Pairing: Dean/Sam
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 2,750
Content/Warnings: sibling incest, bottom!dean, dirty talk
Summary: Motel walls are thin...
JFC this was seriously, insanely hot!

Title: Putting On A Show
Pairing: Dean/Sam
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 2,956
Content/Warnings: AU: Pre-Series, underage, recreational drug use, exhibitionism, sibling incest, public!sex
Summary: Lightning fast Dean's grin slants into sly and Sam's stomach lurches hard enough that his lungs get jealous and jump in on the action. Without so much as a glance in Sam’s direction for approval, Dean lifts one shoulder and says, "I'll make out with Sam."
JFC this was crazy hot. Loved the exhibitionism aspect and I'm right there with the cheerleaders. ;)

Title: Too Busy Being Yours
Pairing: Dean/Sam
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 3,221
Content/Warnings: AU: Pre-Series, underage, sibling incest, bottom!dean, recreational drug use, shotgunning, dirty talk
Summary: Sam gets high at a party and convinces Dean to let Sam fuck him. Again.
Really just some super hot sex.

Title: To Have and To Hold
Pairing: Dean/Sam
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 3,669
Content/Warnings: sibling incest
Summary: It’s while standing in the middle of the vegetable aisle at a Wal-Mart, a slightly wilted head of lettuce in one hand and a six-pack of beers in the other, that Dean Winchester realizes he’s married.
Fun and sexy fic with a brilliant Dean voice as he realizes that he and his brother are basically married without the sex... and he kind of wants the sex.

Title: Playing House
Pairing: Dean/Sam
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 3,820
Content/Warnings: AU: Pre-Series, underage, sibling incest, role play, feminization, rimming, dirty talk, barebacking, gender play, table!sex, established relationship, domesticity!kink
Summary: When John is away on hunts and it's just Sam and Dean, he finds it feels almost like a husband and wife. Sam knows its messed up to think like that but he can't help it. More so when Dean's willing to play along with it, calling Sam pet names and treating him as if he really was Dean's wife.
The feminization kink can be really hit or miss for me but holy god was it a hit here! So sweet and smoking hot!

♥ Title: Top This
Pairing: Dean/Sam
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 4,076
Content/Warnings: sibling incest, bottom!dean, first time, sex pollen, made them do it
Summary: Dean's sure he's a top. Only problem is, Sam's pretty sure that's his job ...
Holy fuck this was the hottest thing ever.

♥ Title: Sacramentum (On LJ, not AO3)
Author: smallcaps
Pairing: Dean/Sam, brief Dean/OFC
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: ~4,200
Content/Warnings: sibling incest, mild dub-con, exhibitionism, bottom!dean, dirty talk
Summary: Dean starts digging into a mysterious virgin sacrifice. With porn.
Super freaking hot fic with Dean offering himself up for a bit of ~virgin~ sacrifice and realizing mid-fuck who it is who's fucking him...

Title: Whatever You Can Do (I Can Do Better)
Pairing: Dean/Sam
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 4,446
Content/Warnings: sibling incest, rimming
Summary: Sam really should’ve known by now not to get into a game of one-upmanship with Dean. It never, ever ends well.
Super hot fic with rimming! :D

*NEW: 2/29/2020*
Title: Intertextuality
Pairing: Dean/Sam
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 4,901
Content/Warnings: incest, sibling incest, fake/pretend relationship, first time, bottom!dean, dirty talk
Summary: It starts out as a joke. Sam has no other excuse than boredom. And maybe a little pettiness.
Super hot fic with Sam and Dean pretending to be together to prank one another, and then starting to wonder...

*NEW: 3/9/2020*
Title: There's gotta be a punch line in here somewhere (On LJ, not AO3)
Author: lyra_wing
Pairing: Dean/Sam
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: ~5,500
Content/Warnings: sibling incest, body swap, brief kind-of self-cest, bottom!dean
Summary: The boys switch bodies. Aaand cue chaos. If you're looking for deep and meaningful fic, this ain't it.
Super fun bodyswap fic!

*NEW: 2/29/2020*
Title: That Old Slippery Slope Series (2 Fics)
Pairing: Dean/Sam
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 5,504
Content/Warnings: incest, sibling incest, genderswap, temporarily-a-girl, het sex, holiday!fic
Summary: Shameless Sam/girl!Dean porn
Super hot series with Dean temporarily turned into a girl and wanting to take FULL advantage of that fact while he can...

*NEW: 2/12/2020*
Title: Erised
Pairing: Dean/Sam
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 5,791
Content/Warnings: incest, sibling incest, mirror sex, dirty talk, implied switching
Summary: While exploring the Men of Letters' bunker, Sam discovers a mirror that shows him his heart's greatest desire.
Gorgeous fic. Loved the play on the Erised mirror trope.

*NEW: 2/12/2020*
Title: Carrion Comfort
Pairing: Dean/Sam
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 5,848
Content/Warnings: incest, sibling incest
Summary: In which Lucifer rises, and Dean falls
Really wonderfully written little snippet of how the whole Lucifer possession could have gone.

*NEW: 2/1/2020*
Title: Enchantment
Pairing: Dean/Sam, mentions of Sam/OFCs
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 5,893
Content/Warnings: incest, sibling incest, sex pollen, mentions of het sex, first time, bottom!dean, dirty talk
Summary:For three days Sam has been leaving the bunker and returning a couple hours later, smelling like perfume and sex.
Unfff, this fic was just insanely hot!

*NEW: 3/9/2020*
♥ Title: through the pathless roads (On LJ, not AO3)
Author: belyste
Pairing: Dean/Sam
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: ~6,300
Content/Warnings: AU: Apocalypse, sibling incest, first time, outdoor!sex, bottom!dean
Summary: The world’s coming down around them.
Gorgeous kind-of apocalypse!fic with Dean and Sam holing up at the end of the world, and Dean finally saying yes to a question Sam's been asking for awhile.

Title: Coriander and Tuberose
Pairing: Dean/Sam
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 6,507
Content/Warnings: sibling incest, dub-con, made them do it, fuck or die, sex pollen
Summary: It's the sex pollen that's making Sam crazy. Dean wishes he had the same excuse.
Super hot fic with Sam under the influence of sex pollen and Dean angsting about the fact that even if he isn't, he still wants to have sex with his brother.

*NEW: 2/12/2020*
Title: The Devil You Know
Pairing: Dean/Sam
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 7,068
Content/Warnings: incest, sibling incest, bodyguard!dean, boy king of hell!sam, mirror!sex, bottom!dean
Summary: [ Post Season 5 ] For the prompt: “Sam is the King of Hell. Dean is his consort and loyal bodyguard. Crowley is the advisor. Castiel is the diplomat, Meg is the head of the army.”
Fun concept with Sam in charge of hell and running it more like a corporation and all the hellish attributes that go along with it.

*NEW: 3/9/2020*
Title: Two Queens (On LJ, not AO3)
Author: belyste
Pairing: Dean/Sam
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: ~7,500
Content/Warnings: sibling incest
Summary: Dean tries to figure out why so many people think he and Sam are a couple. The answer is…surprising
Awesome fic with Dean coming to some realizations as to why him and Sam are frequently mistaken as a couple.

*NEW: 2/29/2020*
Title: write your story (on my heart)
Pairing: Dean/Sam
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 7,509
Content/Warnings: incest, sibling incest, first time, intercrural sex, car!sex, implied bottom!dean
Summary: Sam Winchester might have accidentally gone and fallen in love with his big brother. But he’s handling it. Mostly.
Super hot fic with some mutual pining that resolves itself in a spectacularly smutty way. :D

*NEW: 3/5/2020*
Title: World Enough, and Time
Pairing: Dean/Sam
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 7,770
Content/Warnings: incest, sibling incest
Summary: Sam and Dean took care of the world. Now they have to take care of each other. Semi-schmoopy post-prevented Apocalypse fic.
Lovely post-near-Apocalypse fic with Dean and Sam taking some time to recover. Loved the tone of this one and their relationship was really lovely.

Title: All I Want Is to Have My Peace of Mind
Pairing: Dean/Sam
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 8,234
Content/Warnings: sibling incest, bottom!dean, established relationship
Summary: Season 9. Dean thinks Kevin might know about him and Sam. Well, he's not certain, but he's pretty sure. Really pretty sure. At least, he thinks he is.
Really funny and sexy fic with Dean freaking out a bit at the thought that Kevin might know that Dean and Sam are getting it on.

Title: It's the True Meaning of Christmas Sam Winchester
Pairing: Dean/Sam
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 8,945
Content/Warnings: sibling incest, christmas!fic, holiday!fic
Summary: What are the holidays without curses and family?
Sexy and sweet Christmas fic with the boys getting caught in a Christmas cabin and being forced to work through some of their issues.

Title: Chemical High
Pairing: Dean/Sam
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 9,095
Content/Warnings: sibling incest, established relationship, bottom!dean, implied switching, semi-public!sex, bathroom!sex, non-con drugging
Summary: Dean doses Sam with the Viagra that he stole from the retirement home in 11x11. It sort of goes to plan.
Fun and sexy fic with Dean going a little too far trying to spice up his and Dean's sex life and then having to deal with the smutty consequences.

*NEW: 2/12/2020*
Title: Every First Time
Pairing: Dean/Sam, Dean/Sam/OFCs
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 9,193
Content/Warnings: incest, sibling incest, MMF threesomes, het sex, first time, bottom!dean, dirty talk
Summary: It all starts with a threesome, really. It all continues through threesomes. Then, it’s just minus one.
Super hot fic showing the evolution of Sam and Dean's sexcapades, all starting with some sexy threesomes!

*NEW: 3/6/2020*
Title: Fuck or Die (locked on AO3)
Pairing: Dean/Sam
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 9,372
Content/Warnings: incest, sibling incest, dub-con, made them do it, bottom!dean, ambiguous/open ending
Summary: Succubi prey on the sexually frustrated
Super hot fuck-or-die fic. Loved the slightly more open ending.

Title: Dean and the Evil Glitter
Pairing: Dean/Sam
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 9,499
Content/Warnings: sibling incest, bottom!dean, first time
Summary: Because when has the universe not had it in for Dean?
Super hot fic with Dean turned into a Siren and it being the catalyst to him and Sam coming together.

*NEW: 2/12/2020*
Title: Wasteland, Baby!
Pairing: Dean/Sam
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 9,864
Content/Warnings: AU: Apocalypse, incest, sibling incest, bed sharing
Summary: Whether God successfully ended the world or not is just a matter of perspective. Dean knows where he stands on the issue, but how Sam feels about it, he’s not so sure.
I love a good apocalypse fic and this one was so interesting and really well done!

*NEW: 2/29/2020*
Title: Last Day on Earth (Not on AO3)
Author: candle-beck
Pairing: Dean/Sam
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: ~10,000
Content/Warnings: incest, sibling incest
Summary: A list of things to do if you only have one day to live, presented in inconvenient non-list form.
Gorgeous fic with Sam getting hurt and having a day left to live which, of course, leads to him wanting to make the most of it.

Title: Alone, Baby, There Ain't No Peace of Mind
Pairing: Dean/Sam
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 11,731
Content/Warnings: AU: Modern, (kind of/implied) sibling incest, bottom!dean
Summary: AU. Sam is touched that his sisters have arranged a holiday for him, and he looks forward to some time alone in an isolated cabin on Lake Superior. His only neighbor for miles is the taciturn, if incredibly attractive, Dean Johnson. Sam can't help but be intrigued by this solitary man… and with his warm personality and culinary talents, Sam is determined to pick away at the iron padlock around his heart.
Gorgeous AU where Sam's not raised as a Winchester, though the implications are definitely that he's related to Dean.

*NEW: 2/29/2020*
Title: No Stranger (locked on AO3)
Pairing: Dean/Sam
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 13,874
Content/Warnings: incest, sibling incest, dub-con, made them do it, non-con remote voyeurism, barebacking, bottom!dean, implied switching
Summary: Dean gets cursed by a witch, and Sam is the only one who can help.
Super hot fic with Dean being cursed into a fuck or die situation and Sam having to help him out. Always a classic.

Title: Give the Lie
Pairing: Dean/Sam
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 14,212
Content/Warnings: sibling incest, dub-con, memory loss, amnesia!fic, bottom!dean
Summary: It turns out Dean was wrong when he said there was no such thing as unicorns. It also turns out that when a unicorn steals your memories, you have to play nice to get them back. But what's a Winchester to do in the meantime?
Fabulous fic that plays with the memory loss trope. Sam & Dean lose their memories and end up hooking up, and then have to deal with the repercussions when they get their memories back.

Title: Sam Winchester and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day
Pairing: Dean/Sam
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 14,806
Content/Warnings: sibling incest, established relationship, bottom!dean
Summary: Sometimes, you just shouldn't get out of bed in the morning...
Really great fic with Sam having a truly terrible day that ends pretty wonderfully. :D

Title: Leader of the Pack
Pairing: Dean/Sam
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 14,876
Content/Warnings: sibling incest, implied bottom!dean
Summary: Teaching old dogs new tricks. (Set in mid season 3.)
Fun and sexy fic with Sam gaining a pack of hellhounds and both him and Dean dealing with his demon blood wanting to take over.

Title: Don't Forget To Breathe Tonight
Pairings: Sam/Dean, Dean/Bela, Dean/OFC
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: ~15,600
Content/Warnings: curses, fuck or die, switching, bottom!dean, bottom!sam, light dub-con
Summary: Dean's cursed and only Sam's touch can cure him, but will it ruin their relationship forever?
Fabulous fic with Dean getting cursed and Sam being the only one can help. Wonderful characterizations, and super hot sex!

Title: and by me, i mean us
Pairing: Dean/Sam
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 16,543
Content/Warnings: sibling incest, (kind of) telepathic bond
Summary: After what they think was just a routine case, Sam starts feelings things that he can't quite put a name to. Things that aren't really his but aren't not his either. So he does what he always does: runs some tests, collects the data, and starts drawing conclusions. And then Dean does what he always does--comes in and tangles everything, including Sam, up.
Timelined in early Season 12, prior to "First Blood" (12.09).
Wonderful fic with Sam acquiring some ~powers~ as a result of one of their run-ins and realizing some things about his big brother.

Title: Ergonomic
Pairing: Dean/Sam
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 19,301
Content/Warnings: sibling incest, bottom!dean, hung!sam, implied switching
Summary: Dean sees an advertisement for Sam's preferred brand of boxers, which claim that they're designed for those well-endowed in the genital area. Following this, Dean spends an inordinate amount of time obsessing over whether Sam's dick is bigger than his, and then just obsessing over Sam's dick.
Super fun and sexy fic with Dean obsessing a bit over Sam's ~size~ which, of course, leads to smut!

Title: Dark side of the moon (On LJ, not AO3)
Author: fleshflutter
Pairing: Dean/Sam
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: ~20,000
Content/Warnings: sibling incest, bottom!dean, cursed!dean, blindness, disability!fic, shower sex
Summary: Cursed!Dean is deaf and blind. Sam deals.
Dean is cursed deaf and blind, and Sam is left to care for hm. And, of course, ~things~ happen.

Title: The Last Shreds of Resistance
Pairing: Dean/Sam
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 22,049
Content/Warnings: sibling incest, bottom!dean, first time, made them do it, fuck or die, mild dub-con
Summary: As much as he fervently tries to avoid it, Sam has imagined all the different ways it could happen, all of the ways he and Dean could finally give in.
As it turns out, it's a witch named Audrey.
Really lovely (and hot!) fic with Dean and Sam being accidentally put under a fuck-or-die type spell that plays off of the feelings that they'd already felt for one another. Loved how it all played out here.

*NEW: 2/29/2020*
Title: The House Always Wins (Not on AO3)
Author: selecasharp
Pairing: Dean/Sam
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: ~23,500
Content/Warnings: incest, sibling incest, past relationship, table!sex, implied switching
Summary: After the angels fall, the boys take some hard-won time away from the world so Sam can heal. Things at their new home aren’t as restful as they’d hoped, however, as old feelings between the brothers begin to resurge. As if that weren't enough, it turns out that they’re not as alone in the bunker as they thought.
Lovely bunker!fic with Sam and Dean going back to the Bunker to recuperate after the trials and finding their way back together.

*NEW: 2/29/2020*
Title: This is the Place
Pairing: Dean/Sam, brief Dean/OFC
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 24,042
Content/Warnings: incest, sibling incest, injury, bottom!dean, implied switching
Summary: Lucifer's cage isn't built for Lucifer's vessel, and Sam is ejected from Hell before Dean leaves Stull Cemetery in Lawrence. But it's been hours for Dean, and days for Sam, and Sam didn't get out before the demons got their barbs into him. Dean's done fighting, and all he wants now is to keep Sam safe, and damn the consequences. When Bobby tells them they'd better lay low for a while, Dean takes the opportunity to let his brother rest and heal. And maybe figure out what Sam's wanted all his life, and what Dean needs to be happy. (AU for the end of 5x22 and beyond)
Lovely fic with Sam recovering from Lucifer and him and Dean finding some quiet and time to put down roots. Lovely characterizations and relationship development.

*NEW: 2/12/2020*
Title: If All Else Perished (locked on AO3)
Pairing: Dean/Sam
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 26,640
Content/Warnings: incest, sibling incest, dub-con, ghosts, possession, made them do it, case!fic, bottom!dean
Summary: Sam and Dean investigate a series of murder-suicides in an historic, but crumbling house in a small town in the rural midwest. There's a vengeful spirit in the house, all that's left of a boy who killed his brother before hanging himself in the attic. Sam and Dean get caught up in the same cycle of events that killed eight people over the last decade, and they discover an incestuous affair that led to the boys' deaths. It affects them more than they'd like to admit, raising the question of just why neither of them can ever let the other go.
Engaging and interesting fic with Sam & Dean being possessed by a couple of ghosts and learning more about their feelings for one another along the way!

*NEW: 2/12/2020*
Title: Like Staring Into the Sun Series (2 Fics)
Pairing: Dean/Sam, Dean/Sam/OFCs
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 26,906
Content/Warnings: incest, sibling incest, MMF threesomes, het sex, dirty talk, light D/s, spanking, bottom!dean, exhibitionism, voyeurism, double penetration, spitroasting
Summary: It’s not about the girls. The girls are just the excuse. It’s about them. Them and this unavoidable thing that’s growing between them.
Super freaking hot series! Lots of het sex/threesome action, so be warned if that's not your jam.

*NEW: 2/12/2020*
Title: Hit the Ground Crawling
Pairing: Dean/Sam
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 28,122
Content/Warnings: incest, sibling incest, bottom!dean
Summary: After Sam pulls Dean out of Hell, Dean stops talking.
Really fabulous post-Hell fic with a really lovely relationship between Dean and Sam.

*NEW: 2/29/2020*
♥ Title: On the Cover of a Magazine (Not on AO3)
Author: selecasharp
Pairing: Dean/Sam, brief Sam/OMC, past Dean/OFC
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: ~29,995
Content/Warnings: fake/pretend relationship, models, undercover, case!fic, incest, sibling incest, bottom!dean
Summary: Sam and Dean are called in to investigate the mysterious death of a model at a photography studio in Michigan. The only way for them to get in? Pose as models themselves - which is much easier said than done.
Really fun fic with Dean and Sam having to go undercover as models and being put in all sorts of sexy scenarios that cause ~feelings~ to come to the surface.

*NEW: 2/29/2020*
Title: Future Tense (Not on AO3)
Author: selecasharp
Pairing: Dean/Sam
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: ~31,526
Content/Warnings: incest, sibling incest
Summary: While on a case, Sam and Dean are given a vision of the future - a future in which they've stopped the apocalypse and are now, apparently, involved. Dean's convinced that it's another trick and insists that they forget it, but Sam can't let it - any of it - go.
Wonderfully feelsy fic with Dean and Sam on a mission to stop the apocalypse and struggling with the how, as well as dealing with their strained relationship and secret feels.

*NEW: 2/29/2020*
Title: Tremors (Not on AO3)
Author: selecasharp
Pairing: Dean/Sam, past Sam/Jess
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: ~32,400
Content/Warnings: AU: Jess Lives, AU: Fusion, Tremors fusion, incest, sibling incest, car!sex
Summary: Mysterious deaths. Giant worm monsters. Two brothers. Welcome to Perfection.
Another Tremors AU, this one a fusion instead of crossover, with Jess having survived the demon attack and just breaking up with Sam, and the two of them running into each other again when Dean and Sam investigate some mysterious deaths...

Title: Sing Your Hymns Like Angels In Defeat
Pairing: Dean/Sam
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 32,775
Content/Warnings: sibling incest, disablity!fic, blindness, blind!dean, past relationship, implied switching
Summary: And Lucifer Fell for a second time with the burning brilliance of a star. The Flare shone in his wake, and darkness fell upon the land ...
Really gorgeous fic that shows a potential aftermath of Dean & Sam averting the apocalypse. I loved Dean's headspace here, his guilt and hurt and anger, and the way he and Sam really came together through it all.

*NEW: 2/29/2020*
Title: The Elko County Adventure (Not on AO3)
Author: candle-beck
Pairing: Dean/Sam
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: ~35,000
Content/Warnings: AU: Crossover, Tremors crossover, incest, sibling incest, car!sex
Summary: Mutant snake monsters, rooftop confessions, and a big-ass Howitzer strapped to the back of a pick-up truck. Also known as: Tremors: The Sequel.
Super interesting Supernatural/Tremors crossover! It works super well with the Graboids as the monster of the week, and I really enjoyed the background characters. The evolution between Sam and Dean was beautifully done, and paired quite nicely with the plot.

*NEW: 2/12/2020*
Title: It's the Blueprint of Your Life
Pairing: Dean/Sam
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 38,400
Content/Warnings: incest, sibling incest, time travel, implied switching
Summary: Sam jerks awake in the middle of the night and everything goes to hell. Well, not literally, though Dean is staring down the barrel of less than a year before his deal comes due. In the midst of dealing (or not dealing) with his impending death, a killer ghost ship, and Bela showing up out of the blue, Dean also has to figure out what’s going on in Sam’s head to make him so twitchy, why he’s suddenly breezing through this case while writing endless notes in a notebook he won’t let Dean see. Damn it, Dean thinks, This is gonna take a lot of chickflick moments.
Really fabulous fic with Sam essentially traveling back in time to before Dean was sent to hell and determined to prevent it from happening this time around. Lovely writing and their relationship here was just gorgeous.

*NEW: 1/27/2020*
Title: Old Country
Pairing: Dean/Sam
Rating: Explicit (I actually think this is more Mature)
Word Count: 40,639
Content/Warnings: AU: Crossover, Harry Potter Crossover, sibling incest, implied switching
Summary: Sam and Dean go to Hogwarts. (spoilers for All Hell Breaks Loose, Deathly Hallows)
Really awesome Harry Potter/Supernatural crossover! It was fun to see little glimpes of the HP characters, and seeing Dean and Sam figure out Hogwarts and the magical world was super interesting!

*NEW: 2/12/2020*
Title: In a Fix
Pairing: Dean/Sam, minor Jess/Sam
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 42,884
Content/Warnings: AU: Raised Apart, incest, sibling incest, bottom!dean
Summary: Dean Smith is a 'fixer' for hire. He has kept his real name a secret from the hunter community for years in order to protect a younger brother that doesn't even know he exists. Unfortunately, that lasts until he's blackmailed into taking a job with the Moore family, who give him a week in their estate to break up their daughter's engagement to some no-name law student.
Really engaging AU with Dean being hired to break up his (secret) brother's engagement, and the two of them falling for each other along the way.

*NEW: 2/12/2020*
♥ Title: Pied Piper Series (2 Fics) (locked on AO3)
Pairing: Dean/Sam
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 46,749
Content/Warnings: incest, sibling incest, dub-con, amnesia!fic, memory loss, switching, bottom!dean, bottom!sam, some outsider!pov
Summary: In Jefferson, Texas a man ends a generations-old curse and saves all the town's children, but completely loses his memory in the process. When it's discovered that he's a wanted criminal, the town comes together to conceal him out of gratitude for what he's done for them, giving him an apartment, a job and a whole new life. It takes seven months for Sam to find Dean, and when he finally does, he has to adapt to being around a man who has no idea that he used to be Sam's brother.
Really fascinating fic with Dean losing his memories and Sam (once he finds him) figuring out how to be around a Dean who doesn't remember him. Lovely characterizations, great background characters, and a wonderful build.

♥ Title: The incestuous courtship of the antichrist's bride (On LJ, not AO3)
Author: fleshflutter
Pairing: Dean/Sam, past Sam/Ruby, Dean/Anna
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: ~48,000
Content/Warnings: sibling incest, bottom!dean, public!sex, first time, dub-con, (kind of) forced/arranged marriage/bonding, dirty talk
Summary: Sam is trying to become the Antichrist in order to save the world. He has a small army of angels and demons, he has an adoring cult, he has a work of prophecy by Jack Kerouac, and he has Dean. Things are going pretty well until he accidentally signs Dean up as his Beloved Consort, a role that requires sex with the Antichrist on an altar. And that's when things stop going pretty well. Also, the soundtrack to the Apocalypse sucks.
Really well written fic that manages to balance humor and darkness. I loved the more unique take on Sam & Dean's relationship here, with neither one of them ~secretly pining~ and both struggling with the concept of having to bone. The development between them was wonderful, and I super enjoyed the background cast of characters here.

*NEW: 2/17/2020*
Title: Courting Death
Pairing: Dean/Sam, past Sam/Jess
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 50,723
Content/Warnings: AU: Raised Apart, incest, sibling incest
Summary: Sam Winchester lived the first six months of his life in a happy family; the next twelve years as John Winchester's only son, and the last decade as an orphan. He's supposed to die at twenty-two trying to save the woman he loves from a fire, because he doesn't have a brother to pull him back. But the night Sam meets his Reaper he discovers that Death is overly fond of pop-culture references, too beautiful to be real, and reluctant to kill him.
Super interesting AU with Dean having "died" as child in the fire and how that might have changed the course of Sam's life. Really cool how it all comes together and I loved the characterizations here!

*NEW: 2/12/2020*
Title: Luna De Miel
Pairing: Dean/Sam
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 54,645
Content/Warnings: AU, incest, sibling incest, law enforcement, fake/pretend relationship, implied bottom!dean
Summary: Supernatural Agents Sam and Dean Winchester are sent to investigate a prominent law firm with suspected werewolf activity. It's supposed to be an easy case since Sam's new to the job, and Dean has been assured that they are just doing reconnaissance. The first complication is the senior partner's assumption that they are married, not related. The second is that they know jack squat about navigating office politics. The third is that werewolves may not be the only supernatural creatures here. And the fourth... is the same as the first; Dean just feels that it bears repeating.
Really fabulous AU with Sam & Dean as brothers for a supernatural crime unit that have to go under cover as a couple. And, of course, they've both got FEELINGS.

*NEW: 1/27/2020*
Title: The Last Outpost of All That Is
Pairing: Dean/Sam
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 59,037
Content/Warnings: AU: Apocalypse, sibling incest, first time, bottom!sam
Summary: The world is over, and it’s a Winchester’s lot in life to cope with anything - no matter what.
Gorgeously written and slightly haunted Apocalypse fic with everybody in the world disappearing and Dean and Sam dealing with the aftermath. Loved their relationship here and the whole thing was so fascinating.

Title: Like a Fish Out of Water
Pairing: Dean/Sam, brief Dean/OFC, background Castiel/OFC
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 59,498
Content/Warnings: sibling incest, light bondage, dirty talk, light D/s dynamics, switching, bottom!dean, bottom!sam, human!cas
Summary: AU after Plucky Pennywhistle's Magical Menagerie. During the final battle with the Leviathans, God finally makes an appearance and deigns to intervene. After granting Sam and Dean a few final requests, he 'packs his bags' and takes everything supernatural in existence with him. Left with nothing to hunt, Sam talks a reluctant Dean into settling down in a small town outside of Sioux Falls. Sam seems to want them live a normal kind of life, but between the ridiculous estate sale Sam bought to furnish the house, the arrival of a very human Castiel who's overwhelmed by human emotions, and their quirky, invasive neighbors, it's anything but. Dean's having a difficult time adjusting, convinced everything couldn't be more abnormal until Sam reveals exactly what kind of life he wants to have with Dean. Dean can't deny the part of him that wants it--but can he accept it?
Really wonderful fic with Sam & Dean essentially going out of business after the Supernatural leaves the world, and Dean having a very hard time adjusting. The dynamics between Sam, Dean, & Castiel were wonderful, and the sex was smoking hot!

♥ Title: The Truth In The Lie
Pairing: Dean/Sam
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 62,264
Content/Warnings: sibling incest, bottom!dean, fake/pretend relationship, case!fic
Summary: Sam and Dean pretend to be gay lovers while they hunt a monster on a bus tour of Nova Scotia.
Oh, this fic is just wonderful! The case is really interesting, and I thought the fake/pretend relationship trope was really brilliantly done. I loved the way things developed between them, and the brother angsting was perfection.

*NEW: 2/12/2020*
♥ Title: The Hunter Games
Pairing: Dean/Sam
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 92,601
Content/Warnings: AU: Fusion, Hunger Games fusion, incest, sibling incest, minor character deaths, bottom!dean, rimming, shower!sex
Summary: When the infamous Winchester bad luck strikes twice in quick succession Sam and Dean are forced to compete in the most brutal reality TV show ever created. It’s impossible to escape the battlefield, hiding can only be temporary, and alliances inside those dark, bloodstained woods last about as long as it takes for the other Hunter to figure out how to use your weapons. And then kill you with them.
I love Hunger Games fusions and this was really well done. The way the two canons were blended here worked super well, and the dynamic between Dean and Sam was fantastic.

*NEW: 2/12/2020*
♥ Title: On Your Guard
Pairing: Dean/Sam, brief Sam/Jess & Dean/Lisa
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 97,270
Content/Warnings: AU: Supernatural is Known, bodyguard, incest, sibling incest, bottom!dean, dirty talk
Summary: After the existence of the supernatural became common knowledge, the general public turned to hunters for answers. This group of unsung heroes, who had lived in the shadows for so long, was thrust into superstardom overnight and looked to for safety above all else. Among them, no hunter was more famous than Dean Winchester: a fan-favorite American icon who helped banish all demons from Earth.
His mysterious younger brother, however, had been absent from the public eye for years.
Super awesome AU with Hunters in the public eye and revered like superheroes. Super cool concept, and I loved Sam & Dean's relationship. Plus the smut was super hot!

This entry was originally posted here on Dreamwidth. Please comment there using OpenID

recreational drug use, kink: domesticity kink, kink: incest, kink: dub-con, trope: forced or arranged marriage, kink: exhibitionism, trope: bonding!fic, trope: past relationship, pairing: dean/sam, kink: dirty talk, kink: feminization, kink: table!sex, fandom: supernatural, kink: role play, kink: underage, trope: disability!fic, pairing type: slash, kink: rimming, kink: public!sex, kink: barebacking, fic masterlist, trope: fuck or die, trope: made them do it, au: pre-series, rec: fic, kink: d/s dynamics, kink: rough sex, switching, trope: memory loss, established relationship, au: modern, kink: first time

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