February DD Fic: You See the Stars (Within My Eyes) (Lavender/Parvati, Explicit)

Feb 04, 2019 10:34

Title: You See the Stars (Within My Eyes)
Characters/Pairings: Lavender Brown/Parvati Patil
Rating: Explicit
Kinks/Themes Chosen: Candles, Chocolate, Kissing, & Love ♥
Other Warnings/Content: Lavender Lives AU, established relationship, Valentine's Day, romance, lingerie, vaginal fingering, finger-fucking, endearments
Word Count: ~2,300
Summary/Description: Valentine's Day has always been Lavender's favourite holiday.
Author's Notes: Title is from the song "One Day" by Melody Gardot. I loosely see this as taking place in the same 'verse as the Parvati/Lavender fic I posted last month, One Day (You Will Be Mine), but you very much do not need to be familiar with that fic to read this one!

Thanks to
capitu &
unicornsandphoenix for the beta! <3

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pairing type: femslash, no repost, rating: nc-17, my fanfic, pairing: lavender/parvati, trope: holiday!fic, kink: fingering

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