FIC: Frosting and Firewhisky (Hermione/Ginny, G)

Dec 07, 2018 08:44

Wrote this femslash ficlet for the December 2018 trope theme of Fake/Pretend Dating over at
hpfemslash-minifest! I've honestly been wanting to try my hand at neww pairings, and femslash pairings in particular, and this low-key 'fest' has been a good excuse to do so!

Title: Frosting and Firewhisky
Pairing: Hermione/Ginny, background Ron/Harry, past Harry/Ginny & Ron/Hermione
Rating: General
Word Count: ~2,119
Content/Warnings: roommates, pining, (brief) fake/pretend relationship, weddings, drinking, Firewhisky, kissing
Summary: Hermione and Ginny both need dates to Ron and Harry's wedding. Ginny has the perfect solution.
Notes: I wasn't sure if I'd write anything this month, as this particular trope seems to naturally call for longer/plottier fic-at least for me!-and I definitely don't have the time for that at the moment. But this concept popped into my head and the words just poured out. I wish I'd had the time to properly dive into this one, but I hope y'all enjoy regardless. :)

Thanks to
capitu &
blithelybonny for giving this a once-over!
Read on AO3

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trope: fake/pretend relationship, no repost, my fanfic, trope: living together, pairing: hermione/ginny, pairing type: femslash, fest: hpfemslash-minifest, rating: g

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