Daily Deviant Kinky Kristmas Comment Kink Meme is OPEN for Business!

Dec 06, 2018 09:30

In case you've missed it,
daily_deviant is having a comment kink meme throughout December! Members leave smutty prompts (if you're a member and you haven't left your prompts yet, GO DO IT!!) and then anybody is welcome to fill them with sexy drabbles and drawbles. I've written my first fill, linked below, and am hoping to do a couple more, time permitting!

My Drabble: Nice and Slow (Draco/Severus, NC-17, ~430 words)

art by

Everyone is invited to stuff our stockings
this December on
It only takes 200 words or a simple sketch to participate!
Click the banner to get to the kink meme!

This entry was originally posted here on Dreamwidth. Please comment there using OpenID

pairing type: slash, my fanfic, fest: daily_deviant kinky kristmas, pairing: draco/severus, fandom: harry potter, pairing type: cross gen, rating: nc-17, comm: daily_deviant, drabble

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