September Daily Deviant Fic: Magic on Your Tongue (Explicit)

Sep 20, 2018 10:37

Happy September, friends! It's been a hot minute since I've written het, and when I saw this month's themes, I immediately thought of an idea I've vaguely wanted to write for years-since the first time I wrote this pairing, in fact. Reason number 573 why I love
daily_deviant! :D

Title: Magic on Your Tongue
Characters/Pairings: Lily Luna Potter/James Sirius Potter, vague mentions of past Lily Luna Potter/OMCs
Rating: NC-17
Kinks/Themes Chosen: Breasts & Illegal Sex
Other Warnings/Content: sibling incest, underage in some countries (though not technically in the UK), oral sex, cunnilingus
Word Count: ~3,800
Summary/Description: "I can't stop thinking about it," Lily confesses, soft and urgent. "Nobody's ever made me feel so good, James. I want to feel like that again."
Author's Notes: Lily is 16 years old and James is 19. Sibling incest in the UK is a bit of a murky grey area, legality-wise, particularly when it's consensual and the participants are both over the legal age of consent (16), but I figure it's enough of a taboo to qualify to the Illegal Sex theme.

I envision this taking place in my Magic universe, but this can be read as a stand-alone fic, and you don't have to be familiar with the others to read this one.

All the thanks in the world to the amazing
capitu for looking this over for me, and to the ever-brilliant
lq_traintracks for her stellar beta work! She always has the best feedback! <3

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kink: underage, my fanfic, kink: cunnilingus, fandom: harry potter, pairing: james sirius/lily luna, kink: incest, rating: nc-17, pairing type: next gen, comm: daily_deviant, pairing type: het

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