Wednesday Words

Sep 19, 2018 19:54

Not quite as prolific a week as last week, but that was to be expected. A day or two was spent on Fan Fair edits, which was necessary, but doesn't lend itself to lots of words, and TBH, I was still recovering a bit from finally finishing my Fan Fair and let myself take it a bit easy. I'm just barely on track as of right now for my monthly WC goal, so I don't want to slack too much or I'll fall behind.

Weekly Word Count (9/12 - 9/18) = 3,229

What I Worked On:

  • hd_fan_fair - went through my beta edits, did a final read-through, and submitted! And one day before the due date as well. :D
  • October
    daily_deviant - finished first draft. I kind of hate this right now and every word was like pulling teeth, so we'll see how it holds up in edits. At least it's drafted.
  • hp_nextgen_fest - *finally* decided on a prompt and wrote out a brief outline of what I'm planning to write. It's not the pairing I was hoping to write for the fest, but for some reason, I was struggling to find a prompt that I connected with that wasn't too similiar to something I'd written before, or that wouldn't end up being longer than I have time for. Ultimately, I'm happy with what I'll be writing, I think, so that's the plan for next week's focus.

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writing round-up, personal: writing, fandom: harry potter

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