A Couple of Random Recs

Jun 28, 2018 09:16

Most of my fandom reading this past month was Teen Wolf related, but here are a couple of misc recs of fics I recently enjoyed. :)

Title: You're Just Too Good To Be True
Pairing: Adam/Ronan, background Blue/Gansey
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 30,566
Content/Warnings: AU: No Supernatural, AU: High School, AU: Fusion, 10 Things I Hate About You Fusion, matchmaking
Summary: Blue likes Gansey. Gansey likes Blue. But Gansey can't date Blue until his best friend finds a boyfriend. Who could possibly be brave enough -- or desperate enough -- to date Ronan Lynch?
Seriously DELIGHTFUL 10 Things I Hate About You fusion. I adored the characterizations here and the author did a seriously brilliant job making the movie plot work for Adam and Ronan. Such a fun read.

Title: Grappling
Pairing(s): Optimus Prime/Megatron
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 2,801
Content/Warnings: bottom!optimus, bondage, sticky, rough sex, size difference
Summary: The worst part of getting tied up in his own grapples and yanked into Megatron’s terrible grip and nearly killed was, unquestionably, getting tied up in his own grapples and yanked into Megatron’s terrible grip and nearly killed.
The second worst part of it...
I've never read a transformers fic and am not at all familiar with the canon, but it's astolat and I just watched a documentary on the transformer toys so I was intrigued...Anyway, super interesting reading robot sex and *ahem* so much hotter than it had any right to be.

Title: Project Bang
Pairing(s): Optimus Prime/Megatron
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 4,721
Content/Warnings: bottom!optimus, sticky, light dub-con
Summary: Ratchet shrugged tolerantly when Optimus asked his opinion. "I think it’s more a lark than anything, but we can all use a lark, now and then."
Super funny concept and seriously hot.

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pairing: adam/ronan, pairing type: slash, fandom: transformers, fandom: raven cycle, rec: fic, pairing: optimus/megatron

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