All for the Game Recs

Apr 12, 2018 18:33

Last month I finally read Nora Sakavic All for the Game Series after seeing mutual friends post a ton about it on tumblr for years. Honestly, the books are awful. The writing is terrible, the characters are assholes, and the plot is unbelievable it's super distracting. And yet...Honestly, I don't think I would have even bothered finishing the books if it weren't for the fact that I knew there was a decent fandom for the series, and I am a sucker for a new fandom! I'll be real, the fanfic is so much better than the actual books...

In the Notes section of each entry I have different tags, so if you are looking for something specific (like "table!sex" for example) just ctrl+f and enter your tag and it should highlight the relevant entries!

♥ = favorite

updated October 8, 2021

Andrew Minyard/Neil Josten

Title: Checking In
Pairing(s): Andrew/Neil
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 1,821
Content/Notes: references to past rape/non-con & torture, established relationship, bottom!neil
Summary: aka the smut fic where Andrew makes sure Neil is enjoying himself
Super hot sexy times, basically.

Title: Know Your Weakness
Pairing(s): Andrew/Neil
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 1,980
Content/Notes: references to past rape/non-con & torture, established relationship, bottom!neil
Summary: “Neck fetish,” Andrew growls, yanking hard at Neil's hair until the skin at the back of his head prickles hotly.
“Mm,” Neil hums. “Yours or mine?”
Gorgeously written and seriously hot!

Title: Rabbit Heart
Pairing(s): Andrew/Neil
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 2,751
Content/Notes: references to past rape/non-con & torture, established relationship, bottom!neil, first time, rimming
Summary: The first time Neil and Andrew have sex is nearly a year after their first kiss.
Super hot first time fic.

Title: uncurling lifelines
Pairing(s): Andrew/Neil
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 3,203
Content/Notes: references to past rape/non-con & torture, established relationship, dirty talk
Summary: Neil learns that Andrew "I'm An Instigator At Heart And So Are You" Minyard might just like hearing Neil express not only his consent, but his enthusiasm, when they're in bed.
Dirty talk will never not be my jam and I loved the way the author worked it in here.

Title: Caught in the Rain
Pairing(s): Andrew/Neil
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 3,350
Content/Notes: references to past rape/non-con & torture, established relationship
Summary: Five times Andrew and Neil get caught in the rain, and one time they stay home in the first place.
Super sweet fic that shows us glimpses of Andrew & Neil's relationship. :)

Title: Drive Dangerous
Pairing(s): Andrew/Neil
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 3,737
Content/Notes: references to past rape/non-con & torture, established relationship, car!sex, bottom!neil
Summary: Car + sex.
Super hot car sex

Title: Love Me Like That
Pairing(s): Andrew/Neil
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 3,788
Content/Notes: references to past rape/non-con & torture, established relationship, edging, bottom!neil
Summary: In which Neil mouths off to some reporters and gets some sweet domestic love-making out of it.
UNF, this fic is super hot and I just adore their relationship in this one.

Title: I'll Carry You Home
Pairing(s): Andrew/Neil
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 4,257
Content/Notes: references to past rape/non-con & torture, established relationship
Summary: Andrew and Neil and their cats, in seven parts.
Really sweet post-college fic with Andrew & Neil & cats. :D

Title: it's a game
Pairing(s): Andrew/Neil
Rating: Mature
Word Count: 4,487
Content/Notes: AU: Hunger Games, AU: Fusion, Hunger Games Fusion
Summary: When Aaron’s name is called, Andrew doesn’t hesitate to volunteer.
There are a surprising number of Hunger Games AUs for this pairing, but this is hands down the best one I've read, despite also being the shortest. The author really makes the fusion their own, while keeping the characters recognizable and the Hunger Games 'verse in tact. I could have read this one forever.

Title: You Keep Me From Wandering
Pairing(s): Andrew/Neil
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 5,761
Content/Notes: references to past rape/non-con & torture, established relationship, first time, bottom!neil
Summary: “The fuck are you trying to do, Josten?”
“I’m trying to get you to fuck me.”
Andrew’s face was close to his now, so close he could count his eyelashes, so close that he could feel his breath ghosting across his cheeks, slightly faster than normal.
“Yes or no, Andrew?”
There was a beat, a moment of decision. Neil watched Andrew’s face. He saw him make his choice.
Oh, this fic was so freaking hot! Loved their relationship here and the sex was seriously sexy.

Title: until i see the light
Pairing(s): Andrew/Neil
Rating: Mature
Word Count: 5,943
Content/Notes: established relationship
Summary: Bee uses the word relapse with him, explains that he’s veering off baseline like he can’t figure that out for himself. All Andrew cares about is that he hasn’t been looking for reasons to stay alive like this for so, so long.
I really enjoyed this take on Andrew's mental state and going into more detail regarding mental illness. Wonderfully done.

Title: Mine
Pairing(s): Andrew/Neil
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 6,100
Content/Notes: references to past rape/non-con & torture, established relationship, bottom!neil
Summary: Andrew knows that this person is just an opposing Exy player. He knows that Neil doesn’t swing. And most importantly, he knows that jealousy is a pointless feeling.
But he's feeling a whole lot tonight. Andrew can’t place what has changed, what has warranted such explosions of shunned emotions.
Super hot fic with Andrew finding himself a little (irrationally) jealous. Which leads to feelings and sex. :)

Title: Honey honey honey (Aftg ficlets) Series (4 Fics)
Pairing(s): Andrew/Neil
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 6,277
Content/Notes: references to past rape/non-con & torture, established relationship
Summary: With everything settling down after Riko and Baltimore, Neil has some time to make some self-discoveries. Andrew indulges him.
Gorgeous series with little one-shots showing us glimpses of Andrew & neil's relationship over the years.

Title: at the edge of what was
Pairing(s): Andrew/Neil
Rating: Teen
Word Count: 8,973
Content/Notes: references to past rape/non-con & torture
Summary: He flips Neil’s phone open and scrolls through the call history. It’s not a long list; his own name is at the bottom, then there’s a call from Nicky one from Dan. There’s an outgoing call from Neil’s phone to Andrew’s - that day they went to Atlanta - and one to a number that isn’t saved but that Andrew recognises as Bee’s.
And then there’s a call from an unknown number, no more than an hour ago.
He wants to call it. He wants to call it and demand where Neil is, wants to find out whoever the number belongs to and bash their head into a wall, break every bone in their body until Neil is back with them.
Wonderful fic that shows Andrew's perspective during the third book when Neil is abducted.

♥ Title: go out, create thunder & stand right under
Pairing(s): Andrew/Neil
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 9,161
Content/Notes: established relationship, references to past rape/non-con & torture, fantasy, D/s dynamics, praise!kink
Summary: Or, that fic where Neil really wants Andrew to take the lead and he's having a mental breakdown because of it.
Super hot fic with Neil realizing he's got some submissive tendencies and worrying about admitting them to Andrew given Andrew's past.

*NEW: 10/8/2021*
Title: Good Old-Fashioned Lover Boy
Pairing(s): Andrew/Neil
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 12,115
Content/Notes: AU: University, AU: No Exy, friends with benefits, sex toys, rimming, intercrural sex, implied bottom!neil
Summary: Sex and feelings and Neil Josten in the middle. In both sexy and unsexy ways.
Really fun and sexy non-Exy AU with some great characterizations and a really lovely Neil POV.

Title: i'll stop writing smut for them when they stop fucking all the time Series (5 Fics)
Pairing(s): Andrew/Neil
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 13,231
Content/Notes: references to past rape/non-con & torture, established relationship, airplane!sex, hotel!sex, Rimming, Face-Fucking, Dirty Talk, D/s undertones
Summary: Neil can't sleep lately and in typical Neil fashion he refuses to call the person who helps with shit like that - Bee. Fortunately, there are other things that help people get to sleep.
Super sexy, smutty series

Title: Walking Disasters
Pairing(s): Andrew/Neil
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 17,934
Content/Notes: references to past rape/non-con & torture, established relationship, semi-public!sex, bottom!neil, face-fucking
Summary: Andrew and Neil were never going to be a normal couple but for some reason this is really hard for people to understand.
Or: five times people questioned Andrew and Neil’s relationship (+1 time they didn’t give them a reason to)
Wonderful fic that shows us little glimpses of Andrew & Neil's relationship in the year following the end of the books. The characterizations of everybody were wonderful and I really loved how the author captured their relationship.

Title: right side of rock bottom
Pairing(s): Andrew/Neil
Rating: Mature
Word Count: 20,019
Content/Notes: established relationship, references to past rape/non-con & torture, shared bed
Summary: A little look into Neil and Andrew's relationship after The King's Men where they learn to touch, to talk and to trust.
Really lovely fic that shows Neil and Andrew healing together and learning how to be with one another after the end of the series.

*NEW: 2/20/2020*
Title: Andreil: Into The Future Series (6 Fics)
Pairing(s): Andrew/Neil
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 30,956
Content/Notes: established relationship, references to past rape/non-con & torture
Summary: “Ah, those two. In a fight, they’re lethal. Around each other, they melt.” - Richelle Mead, the Golden Lily
Really fun series that documents Neil & Andrew's relationship after they graduate.

Title: we might be hollow (but we're brave)
Pairing(s): Andrew/Neil
Rating: Mature
Word Count: 40,681
Content/Notes: AU: Alternate First Meeting, references to past rape/non-con & torture
Summary: Andrew is looking to live his life in peaceful nothingness, but his new neighbor's cat won't stop sneaking onto his balcony. As much as he tries to not make it into something, Andrew finds himself drawn to the mysterious and tempting man next door.
Neil is just trying to find a reason to not leave Palmetto after everyone else has moved on. But he never thought he would want to run toward something in favor of running away.
(In a slightly different world, two people find themselves meeting in a softer setting and in just as much need of each other. A story about dealing with pasts, sharing secrets and a cat who is an asshole yet manages to charm everyone around it.)
Not much for AUs for this fandom, but this one was lovely! I really enjoyed the build and the characterizations were great and felt very true to character.

Title: Inside Your Mind Series (2 Fics)
Pairing(s): Andrew/Neil
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 42,414
Content/Notes: AU, sexting, dirty talk, phone sex, fantasy, implied rimming, implied bottom!neil, sex toys
Summary: Andrew and Neil switching phones by accident brings them closer together than either of them anticipated.
Super hot fics with Andrew offering to help Neil explore his sexuality with a bit of naughty texting, and things quickly developing from there.

Title: to know a man
Pairing(s): Andrew/Neil
Rating: Mature
Word Count: 47,928
Content/Notes: AU: No Exy, AU: Coffee Shop, references to past rape/non-con & torture
Summary: In which the Foxes all work at a coffee shop run by Wymack, Neil is their newest recruit with a dark past, Andrew is obvious, Neil is oblivious, and everyone ships it apart from Aaron, who just wants to study in peace. With guest appearance by a stuffed jellyfish called Josephine.
Really lovely AU where Exy doesn't exist and Neil, in witness protection, starts working at a coffee shop with the rest of the gang. Characterizations were great, and I really liked the way the author incorporated canon events into this AU.

Title: and in a flash, it's gone. series (2 Fics)
Pairing(s): Andrew/Neil
Rating: Mature
Word Count: 54,880
Content/Notes: memory loss, amnesia!fic
Summary: Neil loses his memory and has to somehow make sense of the pieces of his past and present. And Andrew.
Really wonderfully written series with Neil losing his memory in the first fic. Characterizations were fantastic, and I really enjoyed seeing all the Foxes, particularly Neil & Andrew, dealing with Neil's amnesia. The second fic deals with the aftermath and shows Neil and Andrew coming out even stronger.

Title: The Manny
Pairing(s): Andrew/Neil, background Dan/Matt, Allison/Renee, Nicky/Erik, Jean/Jeremy
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 57,000
Content/Notes: AU: Alternate First Meeting, past character death, kid!fic, dad!Andrew, references to past rape/non-con & torture, first time, bottom!neil, boss/employee relationship
Summary: Problem #1: Neil accidentally becomes the nanny of two adorable kids.
Problem #2: Neil somehow manages to fall in love with their father.
Really lovely AU with Neil working as a nanny to Andrew's kids and, of course, falling for Andrew in the process. It's not a complete AU, but more of a "if Neil never went to Palmetto" AU.

Title: Courting Foxes, Maddening Wolves
Pairing(s): Derek/Stiles, Andrew/Neil
Rating: General
Word Count: 62,580
Content/Notes: AU: Crossover, established relationship (Andreil), references to past rape/non-con & torture, magic
Summary: Stiles had started playing exy freshman year because Scott wanted to join the team and he didn’t want to be alone. His ADD made it difficult to pay attention, then threats of the supernatural made it worse. His stats sucked and he had next to no stamina.
When Coach Wymack came to Beacon Hills to ask him onto their team, he confusedly asked why.
I don't often read longer lower-rated works, and I'm super picky about cross-overs, but this one totally drew me in! Loved the concept and the author really made the two fandoms work well together.

♥ Title: Trust Fall (And Welcoming Arms)
Pairing(s): Andrew/Neil, Aaron/Katelyn
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 84,857
Content/Notes: established relationship, references to past rape/non-con & torture, het sex (Aaron/Katelyn), face-fucking, light D/s dynamics
Summary: Life goes on after the Foxes win the championship, and for Andrew and Neil it's uncharted territory with only each other for guides. Maybe it's time to put away some of those hard edges, and learn how to touch more softly, and speak more honestly. And if they falter, they have their family to help them get back on their feet.
Really fabulous post-series fic that deals with some of the aftermath of the books and the development of Neil & Andrew's relationship. Great characterizations and the whole thing was just a delight.

Title: Dragon!Andrew Series (10 Fics)
Pairing(s): Andrew/Neil, background Aaron/Katelyn
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 89,038
Content/Notes: AU: Fantasy, magic!neil, cursed!andrew, dragon!andrew, bottom!neil, marriage!fic, references to past torture
Summary: After being cursed into dragon form, all Andrew wants is to is to be left alone to laze about in his crumbling lair (okay, stone fortress). Sooner or later his brother and cousin will give up on him, but for the time being - the occasional pesky knight aside - he has the place to himself. At least until a desperate runaway shows up, looking for shelter while trying to escape from a powerful prince he doesn't want to marry. The prince his father has given him to without his consent.
Super fun AU series with dragon!Andrew and magic!Neil.

♥ Title: Lessons Series (2 Fics)
Pairing(s): Andrew/Neil
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 192,826
Content/Notes: established relationship, references to past rape/non-con & torture, face-fucking, some dirty talk, rimming, first time, bottom!neil
Summary: Nora mentioned in her extra content that Neil slowly maps out Andrew's body and then this fic happened. Starts after The King's Men.
Really fabulous series that starts year after the books end and shows the continued development of Neil & Andrew's relationship. I loved how everybody was captured here and the whole thing was sexy and wonderful.

Andrew Minyard/Kevin Day/Neil Josten

Title: Foxy Series (12 Fics)
Pairing(s): Andrew/Neil, Andrew Minyard/Kevin Day/Neil Josten, various other pairings
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 121,706
Content/Notes: AU: Porn, porn star everybody, references to past rape/non-con & torture, face-fucking, dirty talk, rimming, switching, mostly bottom!neil, some bottom!kevin, a couple time bottom!andrew, cross-dressing, panty!kink, rough sex, orgasm delay, sub!neil, dom!kevin, humiliation, table!sex, light bondage, sensory deprivation, D/s dynamics
Summary: In which all of the characters from the AFTG series are in the porn industry.
The three main porn sites are: Foxy, Evermore and Trojan Court.
Seriously porny porn AU series! Lots of pairings though the main ones are Andrew/Neil, Andrew Minyard/Kevin Day/Neil Joste. It gets a bit OOC at times with the AU and all, but lots of good dirty fun. This entry was originally posted here on Dreamwidth. Please comment there using OpenID

fandom: all for the game, kink: car!sex, kink: rimming, pairing type: slash, rape, rec: fic, kink: airplane!sex and airport!sex, masterlist, au: fusion, established relationship, kink: dirty talk, pairing: andrew/neil, kink: first time, torture

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