April DD Fic: Warm Me Up (From the Inside Out) (Charlie/Sirius, NC-17)

Apr 09, 2018 08:48

OMG you guys, can you believe it's already April? Another month has passed, which means it's time for my monthly
daily_deviant offering! I actually wrote this waayyy back in October (I like to be prepared) so I'm excited to finally be able to share this with you all.

Title: Warm Me Up (From the Inside Out)
Characters/Pairings: Charlie Weasley/Sirius Black
Rating: NC-17
Kinks/Themes Chosen: Baths & Cigars
Other Warnings/Content: drinking, smoking, bath sex, anal sex, casual sex
Word Count: ~2,675
Summary/Description: Sirius is cold, but Charlie knows just how to warm him up.
Author's Notes: I've had a thing for this pairing for years, and despite prompting the hell out of them at various rare pair fests, somehow I've never written them myself! Thankfully this month's themes gave me the inspiration I needed to finally tick this pairing off my writing list. :)

Thanks to
capitu and
ruinsplume for being brilliant and looking this over for me! <3

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no repost, kink: smoking!kink, my fanfic, pairing: charlie/sirius, fandom: harry potter, rating: nc-17, comm: daily_deviant, bottom!charlie, kink: anal sex, kink: bath!sex

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