One Direction/Radio 1 RPF Recs

Dec 21, 2017 13:22

Back in October, I became mildly obsessed with Nick Grimshaw, and from there, it was a short jump to becoming obsessed with Nick Grimshaw and Harry Styles. This is the first RPF ship that I've become properly obsessed with (I've mostly just dabbled up until this point) and I'm having a lot of fun with it. :)

In the Notes section of each entry I have different tags, so if you are looking for something specific (like "vampire turning" for example) just ctrl+f and enter your tag and it should highlight the relevant entries!

♥ = favorite

updated September 13, 2021

Harry Styles/Nick Grimshaw

Title: feel the daylight
Pairing(s): Harry/Nick
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 1,574
Content/Warnings: bottom!harry, established relationship, somnophilia
Summary: Nick Grimshaw struggles with the trials and tribulations of fucking eighteen year olds.
Seriously hot bit of smut.

Title: feel it in the morning
Pairing(s): Harry/Nick
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 1,902
Content/Warnings: bottom!harry, semi-public!sex
Summary: Harry and Nick have sex in a changing room during that shopping trip in Manchester. But, also feelings?
Super hot with an adorably cheeky Harry.

Title: Winter Makes the Heart Grow Fonder (locked to AO3 users)
Pairing(s): Harry/Nick
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 1,661
Content/Warnings: marking, established relationship
Summary: Harry makes promises, and Nick tries to believe them.
Super hot fic with a side of lovely feels.

Title: This Fic Is Not Called "Nicklace." You're Welcome, Internet (locked to AO3 users)
Pairing(s): Harry/Nick
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 1,811
Content/Warnings: bottom!harry, established relationship
Summary: Porn teaches Harry a lesson about love. Well, sort of.

*NEW: 4/3/2019*
Title: Harry's Love Song
Pairing(s): Harry/Nick
Rating: Teen
Word Count: 2,088
Content/Warnings: open/ambiguous ending
Summary: Harry calls Nick to let him know he's coming back to London.
Gorgeously bittersweet fic that gave me all the feels.

Title: Kilt Me Dead
Pairing(s): Harry/Nick
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 2,381
Content/Warnings: established relationship, bottom!harry, rimming, sofa!sex
Summary: Harry tries on a stage outfit meant for his Glasgow show. Nick is extremely into it.
Seriously sexy fic with Nick getting all hot and bothered at the sight of Harry in a kilt (can you blame him?) and then the two of them having some deliciously hot sex on Nick's sofa.

Title: gotta hand it to you
Pairing(s): Harry/Nick
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 2,606
Content/Warnings: implied bottom!harry, fingering, light bondage
Summary: or the one where gifs of Nick licking squirty cream off his fingers made me really need fingerbanging porn.
Super hot finger fucking, basically.

Title: I can feel the heat but I'm not burning
Pairing(s): Harry/Nick
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 2,764
Content/Warnings: established relationship, barebacking, bottom!harry
Summary: This is just an excuse for non-AU barebacking porn. Not sorry.
Crazy hot barebacking fic.

Title: Let's Hurt Tonight
Pairing(s): Harry/Nick
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 2,808
Content/Warnings: bottom!harry
Summary: Harry finds himself on Nick's doorstep after his magazine cover launch party.
Oh gosh, this was so beautiful and perfect and the angst! The angst killed me, but in the best possible way.

Title: We won't build a home
Pairing(s): Harry/Nick
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 2,817
Content/Warnings: barebacking, bottom!harry
Summary: Nick's been technically “living” in his new house for a week, but it doesn’t feel like home at all yet. And then Harry comes back to London.
Oh, this was lovely and bittersweet and so very realistic.

Title: Door Number Two (locked to AO3 users)
Pairing(s): Harry/Nick
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 2,826
Content/Warnings: bondage, established relationship
Summary: Harry likes Nick's rules even when he doesn't like them.
Seriously hot fic with Nick tying up Harry and having his wicked way with him.

Title: I could go all day wearing nothing but your kiss
Pairing(s): Harry/Nick
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 3,285
Content/Warnings: bottom!harry, friends with benefits
Summary: Harry goes home with Nick after 1D's fifth London show of the OTRA tour. He doesn't leave in the morning.
Super hot. That is all.

Title: Let Me Photograph You in This Light
Pairing(s): Harry/Nick
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 3,872
Content/Warnings: first time, bottom!harry
Summary: Harry’s back in England and Nick’s back to wanting him all over again. It’s a problem.
Gorgeous and seriously freaking hot fic! Loved them both in this, and Nick's voice was especially brilliant.

Title: Fists & Flowers 'Verse (2 Fics)
Pairing(s): Harry/Nick
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 3,924
Content/Warnings: friends with benefits, bottom!harry, fisting
Summary: He’s looking at Nick with that soft, terrible look in his eyes, the look that tells Nick the two of them are probably something.
GUH, this series is just wonderful. Sexy and emotional and chock full of feels.

Title: Saddle up and ride
Pairing(s): Harry/Nick
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 4,000
Content/Warnings: bottom!harry, barebacking, established relationship
Summary: in which Nick's shirt is almost see-through, and Harry really really likes it.
Fun and sexy Guv with Harry taking a particular shine to one of Nicks shirts and getting all hot and bothered watching him DJ in it. Which,of course,leads to some delightfully smutty times when they get back home...

Title: give it up (first times is best times)
Pairing(s): Harry/Nick
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 4,193
Content/Warnings: bottom!harry, established relationship, first time
Summary: Harry wants Nick to fuck him.
Or, alternatively, "like fucking wasn't fucking until he was fucking Harry Styles".
Crazy hot first time fic with a Harry who knows what he wants and goes for it.

Title: The Waiting and the Having locked to AO3 users
Pairing(s): Harry/Nick
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 4,371
Content/Warnings: AU: Omega!Verse, a/b/o dynamics, omega!harry, alpha!nick, knotting, rimming, implied switching, bottom!harry, heat cycles
Summary: Nick knows what people think, when they see an unattached Alpha and a hot young Omega spending so much time together. It would be easier to deal with if he didn't think the same things himself.
Canon-verse a/b/o fic that's seriously hot.

Title: The Morning After
Pairing(s): Harry/Nick
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 5,410
Content/Warnings: bottom!harry
Summary: It's the morning after the wedding. Nick is hungover, Harry is persistent and somehow they end up right back where they started.
Really lovely, bittersweet fic with a seriously fabulous Nick.

Title: This is All Ours
Pairing(s): Harry/Nick, vague mention of past unrequited Harry/Louis
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 8,505
Content/Warnings: friends with benefits, bottom!harry
Summary: Harry and Nick start hooking up. It’s just friends.
Wonderful fic that has Harry and Nick in a casual friends with benefits type relationship that *obviously* develops into more. Loved the characterizations here.

Title: yes, we're going to a party party
Pairing(s): Harry/Nick
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 5,546
Content/Warnings: rimming, bottom!harry
Summary: “It’s my birthday!” Harry fistpumps and shouts for possibly the five hundredth time that evening. Nick chuckles and rolls his eyes fondly. Nick’s hardly sober but Harry is trashed. He’s absolutely adorable.
Adorably sweet and crazy hot.

Title: tear up the planks
Pairing(s): Harry/Nick
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 5,931
Content/Warnings: bottom!harry, sex toys, first time
Summary: He stares at the dildo some more, then places it carefully back on top of the condoms and lube and slides the drawer closed. He’s just going to forget he ever saw it; that’s the only thing to do, really. He and Harry are best mates but if Harry’s never mentioned to him that he sometimes gets lads off in his bed with toys, well, that’s apparently Harry’s business to keep. Nick’s fine about it.
Super sexy and fun.

Title: The Feeling Is Beating Now
Pairing(s): Harry/Nick
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 7,306
Content/Warnings: fingering, implied bottom!harry
Summary: The one where Harry accidentally becomes obsessed with Nick's fingers.
Lovely fic with hot sex and misunderstandings.

Title: all my luck could change
Pairing(s): Harry/Nick
Rating: Mature
Word Count: 7,779
Summary: “So where’s he taking you? A private island? The moon?” Or Harry takes Nick on holiday to see if they can make this work.
Really lovely fic with Harry and Nick going on vacation together and dancing around the elephant in the room that is their relationship. Beautiful writing and structure here and the whole thing was just captivating.

Title: And If This is the Only Thing I Want
Pairing(s): Harry/Nick
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 9,195
Content/Warnings: rimming, bottom!harry
Summary: And it’s insane. This entire thing is insane. “Nothing,” Nick says firmly. “We’re just - I’m not going to do anything. We’re friends, we go out, we snog sometimes. End of story.” It’s already been pretty uncomplicated, Nick thinks, so really, it should be able to just keep going the way it’s been going without any kind of issues.
“If you say so,” Aimee says, and if she sounds doubtful, or mocking, or like she’s humoring him Nick chooses to ignore it.
Super sexy fic with a really brilliant build up.

Title: Go and Run Into Me
Pairing(s): Harry/Nick
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 9,341
Content/Warnings: AU: No One Direction, bottom!harry, timming
Summary: Nick Grimshaw is on his annual pilgrimage to the Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival when he finds something he didn't know he was looking for.
Really sweet AU with Nick meeting Harry by chance at Coachella and them instantly connecting. Loved them both here, and the whole thing was sexy and fun.

Title: new year's resolution - to kiss you like I mean it
Pairing(s): Harry/Nick, mention of Nick/OMCs and Harry/Kendall
Rating: Mature
Word Count: 9,479
Summary: Gelz says she's quitting smoking for New Year's, wants him to do it too, but she says that every year so Nick figures he won't try it unless she can manage first. Besides, quitting Harry Styles is going to be enough quitting for the year, maybe for next year too. Nick hasn't mentioned that resolution to anyone, though, knows how it will sound through the fog of their concern.
Really wonderful fic with a fabulously characterized Nick. I really loved the relationship the author captured between Harry and Nick here, and the whole thing was immensely satisfying.

Title: i should ink my skin with your name
Pairing(s): Harry/Nick
Rating: Mature
Word Count: 9,685
Summary: Harry bites his tongue and stops himself from saying something really, really stupid like: I love you. He could get away with it, he knows. Nick would probably laugh it off, but. But he’s not up for taking that risk. Instead he pulls out his phone and texts Louis: We’re banned from Radio 1 Breakfast. :( x
or the one where everyone but them knows they're dating
Lovely fic with Harry and Nick realizing what's between them and going for it.

Title: Look at me so ordinary
Pairing(s): Harry/Nick
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 11,437
Content/Warnings: AU: No One Direction, AU: University, bottom!harry
Summary: Harry wouldn’t say he came to London for a radio DJ. It would sound creepy and weird, and he has a good place studying law at UCL. But the fact is, Nick Grimshaw was a major tipping point.
OR, In which Harry is an accidental stalker and Nick doesn't know it.
Lovely AU with Harry being a big Nick fan and doing a bit of light stalking until they run into each other. Despite the premise, I promise it doesn't feel creepy at all.

Title: Restoring Force
Pairing(s): Harry/Nick, Harry/OFC
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 11,956
Content/Warnings: bottom!nick
Summary: It's the end of things; it's the beginning of everything else.
Or: it's Nick's last Breakfast Show.
Really lovely, moving future fic. Nick was especially fantastic here.

*NEW: 9/13/2021*
Title: Nick and Harry's Infinite Playlist
Pairing(s): Harry/Nick, implied minor Nick/OMCs and Harry/OCs
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 13,369
Content/Warnings: first time, semi-public!sex, bottom!harry, implied switching, light bondage
Summary: At an indeterminate point in the future it happens, just when Nick least expects it.
Truly gorgeous fic set across many years as Harry and Nick come together again and again, not quite sticking, until finally, they do. Nick's voice here was absolutely perfect, and the pining, and smut!!!, were both absolutely glorious. Plus, the playlist concept throughout is just perfect for them both and providing a wonderful structure.

Title: Come On Baby Be With Me
Pairing(s): Harry/Nick, past Nick/OMC
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 13,569
Content/Warnings: AU: Fusion, AU: No One Direction, The Holiday fusion, bottom!harry
Summary: This is a The Holiday AU. Gemma and Nick switch houses for the Christmas Holiday and Nick finds a whole lot more than he bargained for when Gemma's brother Harry shows up at his door in the middle of the night.
Wonderful AU with Nick meeting Harry while he's recovering from a break-up and, of course, they immediately connect. Great read!

Title: all of the nights and all of the days
Pairing(s): Harry/Nick, mention of Nick/OMCs
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 13,631
Summary: 5 times Nick was the best friend anyone could have wished for (+ 1 time he became more than a friend)
Wonderful fic that chronicles glimpses of Harry and Nick's relationship over the years. The characterizations were fantastic here and the way their relationship built was just amazing. Lovely, lovely read!

Title: my heart is bigger than the distance in between us
Pairing(s): Harry/Nick
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 14,897
Content/Warnings: dad!nick, kid!fic, bottom!harry
Summary: Nick is a single dad and Harry is his bff and it's a bunch of years into the future and they fall in love.
Lovely future fic where Nick's adopted a kid and him and Harry are still dancing around each other. Lovely and sweet.

Title: begin again
Pairing(s): Harry/Nick
Rating: Mature
Word Count: 16,362
Content/Warnings: h/c, implied bottom!nick
Summary: Nick's hand is open and empty on the stark white hospital sheets and somehow it's the most terrifying thing Harry's ever seen.
Really wonderful fic with Nick in the hospital and Harry dropping everything to come and care for him. I loved the complex relationship between Harry and Nick here, and the whole thing was brilliant and bittersweet.

Title: Something Great Series (2 Fics)
Pairing(s): Harry/Nick, Harry/Caroline, Harry/Nick/Caroline
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 18,931
Content/Warnings: m/m/f threesome, het & slash, first time, switching, bottom!nick, bottom!harry, underage (depending on where you live)
Summary: The first time Caroline asks him if he's fantasised about having sex with another guy, she has to take her mouth off his cock to do it, so Harry doesn't think it's entirely his fault if he blurts out the truth instead of a careful lie.
or: the one where Caroline likes to get Harry to try new things.
nf this series is so good, especially the first fic! I loved the relationship dynamics in this and the sex was hot like burning.

Title: Aubergine Heart
Pairing(s): Harry/Nick
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 21,477
Content/Warnings: AU: No One Direction
Summary: Nick and Harry are idiots in love. *heart-eye* *heart-eye* *heart-eye*
Cute AU with Nick and Harry meeting through Henry and forming a fast bond. Fun and sweet and sexy.

Title: On the Catwalk, Yeah
Pairing(s): Harry/Nick
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 22,139
Content/Warnings: AU: Models, AU: No One Direction, bottom!harry
Summary: Or the one where Harry Styles moves to London, becomes a model, and realizes that there's more to than one route to your dreams.
Fun AU with Harry failing out of X Factor and becoming a model instead, where, of course, he rooms with some fellow models/definitely not One Direction members. Loved Harry's voice here and watching him realize his bisexuality and feelings for Nick was a treat.

Title: A Flexible Metaphor
Pairing(s): Harry/Nick
Rating: Mature
Word Count: 22,395
Content/Warnings: AU: No One Direction, bottom!nick, soul mates, creature!fic, vampire!nick, vampire!harry
Summary: Nick doesn't mind being on his own; it kind of goes hand in hand with being a vampire. It's only when he has to turn Harry Styles into one too to save him from a sudden and stupid death that things start to get messy.
Really fun supernatural AU with Nick as a vampire who happens along Harry as he's dying and turns him to save him. Well written and a super enjoyable read.

Title: Forever and a Night
Pairing(s): Harry/Nick, background Liam/Louis
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 27,892
Content/Warnings: AU: No One Direction,AU: High School, first time, switching, bottom!nick, bottom!harry, established relationship
Summary: Because the thing is, Nick has a rule, and he's normally shit at rules, but this one he's worked really, really hard at to keep. He doesn't have sex with people who aren't old enough to vote, because he's not a dirty old man, no matter how much it feels like it when he walks down the road holding Harry's hand. Because he's a good person, deep down inside. Because he's nine and a half years older than Harry, and he's trying to do a good thing. He's trying to do the best thing for Harry, who might think that he likes Nick now, but five years in the future he's going to look back and think, god, what a perv about Nick, and Nick desperately, desperately doesn't want that.
Except it's Harry's eighteenth birthday, and Nick's rule doesn't apply anymore, and all bets are off.
Sweet and sexy AU. I really loved the characterizations here, and it can definitely be read without reading the first fic in the series (which is Liam/Louis). The ending definitely felt like an ending, but it also leaves things a bit open, and it's clear it was written with a sequel in mind. Still satisfying, though it definitely left me hungry for more.

Title: nowhere better than this place
Pairing(s): Harry/Nick
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 29,417
Content/Warnings: AU: No One Direction, farmer!harry, switching, bottom!nick, bottom!harry
Summary: A romcom AU in which beleaguered urban fashion plate Nick spends the month of April knee-deep in mud, Harry is a couture country shepherd, and all farmers, inexplicably, wear cowboy boots.
Fun and sexy AU with Nick going to the country to look after his aunt and meeting Harry. Loved their chemistry and how them they felt even in such a drastically different AU.

Title: Forever I Will Stay
Pairing(s): Harry/Nick
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 32,114
Content/Warnings: switching, bottom!nick, bottom!harry, rimming, felching
Summary: Nick knows what he likes, and he knows that Harry is it. But he's been careful to never cross that line; he’s too old to be fucked up over a pop star. Harry, on the other hand, is still figuring out what he wants, and now he has the time to do so.
Lovely fic with Harry finally realizing his feelings for Nick and acting on them. Loved the characterizations, and the relationship between Nick and Harry was great.

♥ Title: A Relentless Maybe
Pairing(s): Harry/Nick
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 32,433
Content/Warnings: rimming, hair pulling, praise!kink, bottom!harry, face-fucking
Summary: Harry likes having his hair pulled, among other things.
Fabulous fix with a really wonderful Nick. I just adored his voice here and his feelings for and relationship with Harry were both beautifully captured. Plus, the whole thing was seriously hot.

Title: This Lift is Out of Service
Pairing(s): Harry/Nick, background Zane/Perrie, Louis/Liam, Niall/Niall past Nick/OMC
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 34,834
Content/Warnings: AU: No One Direction, physical therapist!nick, bottom!harry
Summary: Nick is a heart-broken physical therapist just back in London after a six month stint in the States. He's trying to get his life together. Getting caught up with new patient Harry Styles was never part of the plan.
This is the most significantly different AU I've read and I wasn't sure what to expect, but I really enjoyed it! It was really interesting seeing the boys with such different careers, but I think the author did a great job of still making them feel like themselves. Really enjoyable fic!

Title: Regency AU Series (2 Fics)
Pairing(s): Harry/Nick
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 40,667
Content/Warnings: AU: Historical, AU: No One Direction, bottom!harry, first time
Summary: Harry Styles of the Holmes Chapel Styleses comes to London after his first year in university. He meets the toast of the town, Mr Nicholas Grimshaw. Everything changes. (Regency AU)
Really interesting Regency AU. Really well written and it was fascinating seeing these two characters in such a different time period.

Title: Darling, Hold My Hand
Pairing(s): Harry/Nick
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 42,981
Content/Warnings: established relationship, switching, bottom!nick, bottom!harry
Summary: "Hypothetically," Harry says. "If I wanted to come out, how would you handle it? What would we do?"
She gives him a sharp look. "How hypothetically are we talking?"
"Not very," he admits.
Or, Harry and Nick buy a house. And go public.
Lovely established relationship fic with Harry wanting to come out, and the both of them working through how that would play out. Not too angsty, but not pure fluff, either.

Title: Instalments
Pairing(s): Harry/Nick
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 49,983
Content/Warnings: AU: No One Direction, AU: Fusion, Pretty Woman fusion, rentboy!harry, switching, bottom!nick, mostly bottom!harry, shower!sex
Summary: Harry falls in love with a wealthy client. They both pay for it, in instalments. Pretty Woman AU.
Unf, this was so good. God i loved Nick and Harry in this so much and the way their relationship unfolded was amazing. Fab characterizations, hot sex, brilliant writing, and all the feels!!

Title: Apocalypse Song
Pairing(s): Harry/Nick, background Liam/Louis, Zayn/Perrie, Gemma/Niall
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 50,060
Content/Warnings: AU: Apocalypse, AU: No One Direction, switching, bottom!nick, bottom!harry
Summary: As it turns out, the apocalypse isn’t all action scenes and handheld camera shots. It’s boiling water, and dodging vitamin deficiencies, and trying to get lube out of the sheets.
Or, a year after a lethal virus wipes out nearly all of the world’s population, Harry and his found family build a life with what they have left.
Or, a post-apocalyptic curtain fic.
Love me an Apocalypse AU, and this one was great. I really enjoyed how life after the fact was captured, and the characterizations and relationships were spot on.

Title: Better Life Choices (locked to AO3 users)
Pairing(s): Harry/Nick
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 55,303
Content/Warnings: first time, bottom!harry, fake/pretend relationship
“He’s poisoning young minds,” says X Factor insider

“They can’t fucking do this,” Louis snarled, punching the arm of his chair. Across from them, Rich shook his graying head.“They’ve done it, lads,” he said sadly. “We’re not going to sit by idly, but they’ve done it.”
“Simon’s not homophobic,” Harry said viciously. Niall’s scowl deepened.
“No,” Rich said, sitting back. “Trust me, everyone in this industry knows that. We’ll be making many, many public statements, you boys will, and every other artist we manage. I’m going to ask one of you to take point on that,” he nodded as Louis’s hand flicked up, “and one of you to take the responsibility of assuming a boyfriend for a while.”
Fun and enjoyable read. Have to suspend some belief for the setup, but am always here for fake boyfriends and i really loved the relationship between Harry and Nick here.

Title: Can't Escape the Magnetic Side
Pairing(s): Harry/Nick
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 59,783
Content/Warnings: AU: No One Direction
Summary: Five years ago Harry Styles made a deal with his mum: he could audition for X Factor, but if it didn't work out he'd finish school and get a degree.
Now, Harry is 21 and finishing up his degree in law when rumors start flying that his celebrity crush is about to be a judge on the X Factor. Maybe it's time he tries again. (Or, the current year X Factor AU where Harry rediscovers how much he loves to perform, gets kicked off, and then has to figure out what he's doing next. With Nick's help, of course.)
Great AU with Harry and Nick meeting differently without the crazy 1D fame. I loved their relationship and the alternate telling of how things could have gone for them.

♥ Title: If This is Love
Pairing(s): Harry/Nick
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 85,591
Content/Warnings: first time, switching, bottom!nick, bottom!harry
Summary: He's not fucking thirty yet, but he is way too old for Harry fucking Styles.
Or: Nick Grimshaw has done some stupid, ridiculous, mad things in his life, but falling for Harry Styles might be the stupidest thing yet.
Really fabulous fic with great build. I loved characterizations here,and Nick's voice was especially fantastic. The chemistry between Harry and Nick was off the charts, and the whole thing was just a really great read.

*NEW: 7/21/2020*
Title: Doodle of a Surface Life
Pairing(s): Harry/Nick
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 136,000
Content/Warnings: AU: No One Direction, baker!harry, veterinarian!harry, sex toys, bottom!nick, implied switching
Summary: Harry is a veterinary nurse, a part-time baker, and a terrible journalist.
Nick just wants to write his autobiography and get a selfie with a famous cow, but a series of chance encounters leads to his life spiralling into control.
Super lovely AU with Nick still having worked at Radio 1 but running off to the country after a bit of a breakdown. The characterizations here were just lovely and I adored watching these two come together!

Louis Tomlinson/Nick Grimshaw

Title: you and me, baby
Pairing(s): Louis/Nick
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 11,455
Content/Warnings: AU: Omega!Verse, a/b/o dynamics, alpha!nick, omega!louis, knotting, heat cycles, bottom!louis
Summary: Three or four days, stuck in a cabin alone with Louis Tomlinson. Honestly, Nick doesn't know what he did to deserve this bad karma, but he hopes it was worth it.
Super hot A/B/O fic set in the canon universe.

Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson

Title: These Inconvenient Fireworks and timestamp probably gonna sin again (must join community for access)
Author: mdasch & everydayslike
Pairing(s): Harry/Louis, Zayn/Liam, mention of past Louis/OMCs
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: ~190,000
Content/Warnings: AU: Modern, teacher!louis, teacher!zayn, teacher!niall, fireman!liam, photographer!harry, switching, bottom!harry, bottom!louis, bottom!zayn, first time, rimming, office!sex, semi-public!sex, some light cross-dressing, panty!kink, implied bottom!liam
Summary: Future AU in which nobody tries out for X Factor but the boys end up finding one other eventually anyway. Louis is a jaded bastard who owns a cat named Duchess and teaches drama to teenagers, Harry is an idealistic aspiring photographer/part-time footy coach, Zayn teaches English lit and wears leather jackets, Liam saves people from burning buildings, and Niall is Niall.
So I'm not really a big 1D fan, nor am I all that enthusiastic about bandom fics, just because I find it harder to care about RL people in a shipping sense. But anemonen recced this, and it was an AU, so I figured I'd give it a go. I really enjoyed it! It's told primarily from Louis's POV with Zayn's POV tossed in for good measure. I really liked the characterizations and the friendships between all the boys, and how their relationships grew and evolved. I really liked that the two main relationships here were really very different, and if never felt repetitive or boring. The fic is mostly Louis/Harry as far as explicit interaction goes, though Zayn/Liam does get some screen time. I will say that the "misunderstanding because of a lack of communication" trope was almost overdone for me, but I think it was resolved just in the nick of time. Overall, I seriously hot, enjoyable read. [Also highly recommend the timestamp from Liam's POV, adorable and super sexy.] This entry was originally posted here on Dreamwidth. Please comment there using OpenID

kink: sex toys, profession: artists and photographers, trope: friends with benefits, pairing: louis/nick, profession: actors and models, pairing: liam/zayn, kink: a/b/o dynamics, au: historical, trope: mates and soulmates, trope: fake/pretend relationship, kink: somnophilia, pairing type: cross gen, fandom: 1d, kink: face-fucking, trope: creature!fic, profession: teachers and professors, kink: felching, creature: vampire, kink: knotting, kink: biting and marking, pairing type: slash, kink: rimming, kink: public!sex, kink: barebacking, kink: panty!kink, au: no one direction, kink: office!sex, kink: bondage, au: university, kink: cross-dressing, fandom: radio 1, pairing: harry/louis, rec: fic, pairing: harry/nick, switching, profession: firefighter, established relationship, au: modern, trope: kid!fic, au: omega!verse, au: alternate first meeting, kink: first time

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